Rapist Found Out The Hard Way These Women Were Not Going To Cower In Fear

At About 10:45pm Thursday the 27th of September 2018 two American women(names with­held) vaca­tion­ing in Jamaica, were attacked by a lone assailant in their hotel room #1001 at the Riu Hotel Iron Shore Montego Bay Saint James.

The women were both in their room at the hotel when a man armed with a hand­gun entered the room through the bal­cony door. The man held them at gun­point and forced them to have sex­u­al inter­course with him.
He raped vic­tim #1 and whilst rap­ing victim#2 she man­aged to dis­arm him and fired two shots in his direc­tion, hit­ting him to his upper body.
The sus­pect ran from the room onto the bal­cony then jumped to the ground and made his escape. The police were alert­ed and upon arrival, a 9 mm Glock 17 with ser­i­al # DTN201 with a mag­a­zine con­tain­ing 16 car­tridges was hand­ed over to the police. The scene was processed by the scene of crime detectives.