How does a Political Party ignore demographic trends and stay relevant? I’m asking you, because the truth is I don’t have a clue. As the world slowly pulls itself from a long and protracted recession, the biggest problem to America’s re-emergence to its place atop the heap, as the world’s dominant economic powerhouse, is the Republican Party. It is interesting that at this time in our history the Republican Party is practically eating itself. Parties win and lose elections but it seem that having endured 4 years of Obama, derangement syndrome has set into the DNA of Republicans. My grand parents taught me never to hate anyone. They told me if you spend your life trying to hold someone down you cannot soar as you normally would. A Jailer keeping others incarcerated is himself incarcerated. I can’t say that I learned the lesson of not hating anyone, I’m still working on myself , I’m not there yet. There are a few people who evoke very strong negative reactions in me when their names come up.

My point is that Republicans from top to bot­tom have demon­strat­ed such hatred for our President that it does seem that they are quite con­tent to wreck the coun­try and their par­ty in the process. If any­thing I’ve learned from that les­son of hatred, is that when you hate it seem to pro­pel the sub­ject of your hatred to big­ger things, high­er heights. President Obama argued some­time ago that Republicans would pro­pose leg­is­la­tion, he laments “I say yes I agree with this” and they say,“oh you agree, then we are against it” they would sim­ply back away from their own leg­is­la­tion because he agrees with it. This is luna­cy of the high­est order, it is ‚mad­ness born out of deep-seat­ed racism. make no mis­take, when the old cur­mud­geon from Kentucky Mitch McConnell said his num­ber one pri­or­i­ty was to make Obama a one-term pres­i­dent it was­n’t out of any­thing but racial hatred. When they select­ed Michael Steel to head the Republican National Committee that was racial cal­cu­la­tion to take down the first black president.

When Sarah Palin the igno­ra­mus from Alaska was unleashed on us by a reck­less and cyn­i­cal John McCain, the ran­cid bile which intrud­ed on our space, and cor­rod­ed our beings, the stench of which remains today, it was racism. When Joe Wilson the South Carolina Congress-man shout­ed “you lie as the President gave the State of the Union, it was racism When low-class Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer wagged her scrag­gly fin­gers in the face of the President on that Tarmac in unprece­dent­ed poor taste, it was racism. The emer­gence of the Tea-Party was racism. The emer­gence of the most vile despi­ca­ble low-lives on our nation­al con­scious­ness, Trump, Sununu, Beck , Hannity, Fox News, it’s racism. Four years of Republican intran­si­gence in the House and Senate for absolute­ly no rea­son is racism. I could write a book on this sub­ject alone but I will stop here,those inter­est­ed may go back and read and decide for them­selves. The Republican Party which lost two pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in a row have decid­ed that to hell with the wish­es of the peo­ple, they are going to stick to their guns and obstruct every­thing that the pres­i­dent pro­pos­es aimed at help­ing the mid­dle class and the poor. It has become clear that they are will­ing to spite the pres­i­dent at any cost, they are deter­mined to stand in the way of the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da through the upcom­ing Sequestration. This will affect. . Less Air Traffic controllers,so longer lines at air­ports , greater delays and poten­tial­ly seri­ous risks to the trav­el­ling pub­lic. . Less meat inspec­tors, poten­tial­ly putting the pub­lic at risk for food borne diseases.

. FBI and oth­er Federal Agents fur­loughed includ­ing Border Agents, National Security impacted.

. Prosecutors hav­ing to let crim­i­nals walk for want of prosecution.

. Military readi­ness impacted.

. Meals for the sick and indi­gent reduced or eliminated.

. First Responders, laid off or see their hours cut, the list goes on and on.

The strat­e­gy for Republicans was to make Barack Obama a one term President, (à la), Mitch McConnell and oth­ers, when that did not work ‚the strat­e­gy shift­ed to one of absolute obstruc­tion, there­by cre­at­ing a con­tin­u­um of crises. These are the series of arti­fi­cial crises we have been wit­ness­ing , from the debt ceil­ing debate which saw America’s cred­it rat­ing down­grad­ed for the first time in his­to­ry to the present seques­tra­tion debate.

This ought to con­vince every­one that these are self-inflict­ed wounds designed to cre­ate uncer­tain­ty, which will have the coun­try lurch­ing as if it is lead­er­less, then they may pick up the pieces in 2014. Make no mis­take, these peo­ple are not fools, they cer­tain­ly don’t give a rats ass about coun­try. They are mas­ter con­nivers and of course they have an entire net­work ded­i­cat­ed to the dumb­ing-down of that sec­tor of the pop­u­la­tion which would like to go back to the days of slav­ery. The prob­lem with that is that the mind­less turds at FOX News and those lis­ten­ing to the oth­er cretins on talk radio are not the only ones being affect­ed by these reck­less actions. Clearly this par­ty is total­ly pop­u­lat­ed with deranged lunatics, how can any polit­i­cal par­ty be against every­thing that is in the inter­est of the very peo­ple they say they rep­re­sent? Simply put, Republicans are sab­o­tag­ing their own Government and coun­try to spite Barack Obama. The Speaker of the House John Boehner may not be a racist like some of the more deranged nuts, but he does not want to lose his speak­er-ship. John Boehner is inca­pable of han­dling the cau­cus he has been dealt, this does not absolve him of cul­pa­bil­i­ty as some are quick to sug­gest he should be. Boehner did not come from rich­es or plen­ty, sure­ly he under­stands the plight of the poor, he under­stands the chal­lenges of the work­ing man and woman, who gets up day in day out try­ing to feed their fam­i­lies and keep a roof over their heads.

Tragically Boehner like Marco Rubio, has decid­ed that they are over the wall, so they should now pull up the lad­der and pre­vent any­one else from climb­ing up. It is a trag­ic flaw in a man’s char­ac­ter, which makes him com­fort­able once he’s reached a cer­tain plateau to denounce and dis­en­fran­chise oth­ers not as for­tu­nate. Nowhere is this flaw more obvi­ous than in Florida’s rook­ie United States Senator Marco Rubio, had it not been for the benev­o­lence of this great nation he most assured­ly would be born in Cuba if at all, no one would know or care about a Cuban named Marco Rubio, yet on the sin­gu­lar most ger­mane issue of immi­gra­tion, Rubio is to the right of many Republicans. Watching Rachel Maddow , one of the best cable commentators,as it relates to the pre­sen­ta­tion of facts in my opin­ion last night, I was stunned to learn that Government has shrunk dras­ti­cal­ly under President Obama. There has been reces­sions under Reagan, Bush 42nd, Clinton, Bush 43rd, and now under Obama, the reces­sions Obama inher­it­ed has been arguably more severe than those under each of his pre­de­ces­sors. During all of those reces­sions Government hir­ing was cru­cial to pulling the coun­try out of the hole. This more severe reces­sion Obama inher­it­ed, has seen mas­sive pub­lic sec­tor lay-offs at every lev­el of Government, fur­ther com­pli­cat­ing and length­en­ing this recov­ery. So what that means is the labels of Communists, Marxists, Socialist that have been attached to Obama, are real­ly not teth­ered to any fac­tu­al rea­son­ing but more so because of Obama’s col­or. Barack Obama can­not come out and say it is because of his race, why this lev­el of obstruc­tion and dis­re­spect is being hurled his way. He can­not say that it is as a result of race why the Republican Congress, Jan Brewer, John Sununu, Joe Wilson, and the oth­er imbe­ciles are so dead set against him. Nah, there would be too many howls of con­dem­na­tion argu­ing that he got elect­ed twice in America. What they will not nev­er tell you, is that in most red States Obama lost the white vote by 80 to 90 per­cent­age points. By the way that’s racism.