Racism Can Stop Today If.……

CEO Howard Schultz
CEO Howard Schultz

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz no shrink­ing Violet when it comes to tack­ling tough sub­jects, once again braved the heat by ask­ing his com­pa­ny’s baris­tas to broach the sub­ject of race with customers.
The ini­tial part of the cam­paign was that baris­tas write the words “race togeth­er” on cof­fee cups as they serve customers.
That part of the cam­paign end­ed March 22nd . Shultz insists that neg­a­tive back­lash is not behind the ter­mi­na­tion of that effort. The cup writ­ing part “was always just the cat­a­lyst for a much broad­er and longer term con­ver­sa­tion” about racial inequal­i­ty and diver­si­ty, he said.

The response to race togeth­er has been mixed includ­ing some harsh back­lash on social media, includ­ing threats against some exec­u­tives of Starbucks.
Hold that thought though.….
I am not sure whether surly half-awake peo­ple head­ing to work with­out their first bit of morn­ing pick-you-upper are ready to broach the tedious and thorny sub­ject of race.
Notwithstanding, I com­mend Howard Schultz for dar­ing to want to fix the can­cer­ous prob­lem of race in America.
Speaking to CNN Schultz said “If we all con­tin­ue to be bystanders on some­thing that’s divid­ing the nation, then where is this head­ed? We are bet­ter than this as a coun­try,”.
I agree that if we con­tin­ue to be bystanders on some­thing that’s divid­ing the nation we are head­ing , well, nowhere..
Not sure I agree America is bet­ter than this !
In fact America has shown it is not bet­ter than this.
How could America claim to be bet­ter than this in the year 2015 when there are racial divi­sions so deep and divi­sive that peo­ple are threat­ened with death for dar­ing to speak out and want­i­ng change?

How is America bet­ter than this when peo­ple are being killed by police because of the col­or of their skin?
I hear a lot of talk about the need for a nation­al con­ver­sa­tion on race.
This argu­ment has been at the fore-front of ever instance where race is present in an issue.
We hear it from the President down to every talk­ing-head on Television.
I’m not quite sure how that would occur? How is a nation­al con­ver­sa­tion on race ini­ti­at­ed? How is it executed?.
For the most part African Americans are par­tic­u­lar­ly enthused about such a conversation.
Black lead­ers have nev­er seen a con­fer­ence they did not like.
Give our peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dress up and attend a con­fer­ence and they are in” hogs-heav­en”.
The only prob­lem is that after they attend these dress-up talk fests noth­ing ever change.
They go back to their deprived com­mu­ni­ties where things remain just the way they have always been.

Me ? I was nev­er one for all of that non­sen­si­cal talk, I guess it’s my Jeans T‑shirt and boots men­tal­i­ty , just do it like Nike says.
So lets quick­ly exam­ine some sim­ple facts sur­round­ing racism in America.
There is no rea­son to beat around the bush and pre­tend. You can­not fix what you do not iden­ti­fy, so lets iden­ti­fy the problem.
Whites start­ed racist dis­crim­i­na­to­ry prac­tices in America, they can end it when they chose.
This prac­tice pre-dates slav­ery. The prac­tice of white supe­ri­or­i­ty was what caused European set­tlers (most­ly prison inmates) to almost dec­i­mate the native American population.
It was that men­tal­i­ty which cre­at­ed the slave trade and the pogrom unleashed on African peo­ple both on the moth­er­land and those uproot­ed and trans­plant­ed here in the west­ern hemisphere.
It was white igno­rance, and grandiose ideas of racial supe­ri­or­i­ty which cost untold mil­lions of lives in the mid­dle pas­sage and here in the land of bondage.
It was whites who ini­ti­at­ed this car­nage on not only blacks, but all of the native peo­ple they found, not just here in the Americas but as far away as Australia, New Zealand and India.

Whites can end the igno­ble prac­tice which teach­es and places one race above anoth­er, yet in far too many house­hold chil­dren are taught that they are supe­ri­or to others.
It is not acci­den­tal that many com­mu­ni­ties, towns, coun­ties and states are still rabid­ly dis­crim­i­na­to­ry to some peo­ple based on race.
Where do the chil­dren learn these behav­ior patterns?
They learn them from their par­ents, they learn them from their friends whose par­ents teach their kids to hate.

Many whites under­stand the ben­e­fits of white priv­i­lege” and they are not about to give it up.
Even those who claim not to be racist do ben­e­fit from white priv­i­lege even though they don’t know it, or may not even ask for it.
Getting a pass on a ticket,or not get­ting pulled over harassed or worse, is white privilege.
Having access to loans because of con­nec­tions is white privilege.
Being spo­ken to with respect by police is white privilege.

Racism per­sist because peo­ple ben­e­fit from it, they are not about to give up the perks because it’s right or moral.
Some say you can’t leg­is­late that peo­ple do away with dis­crim­i­na­to­ry racial atti­tudes and practices.
I dis­agree.
There is leg­is­la­tion for every­thing else, you may not be able to change peo­ple’s heart with leg­is­la­tion but you damn sure can make it expen­sive if they dis­play racist atti­tudes toward others.
Eventually they will get the mes­sage right?
Yeah .…
You see, the rea­son we are still deal­ing with this crap, is that too many who are sup­posed to draft and pass the appro­pri­ate leg­is­la­tion into law are the most vile racist creatures.