Racial Publicity Whore On President’s Love For America

Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani

I do not believe, and I know this is a hor­ri­ble thing to say, but I do not believe that the pres­i­dent loves America,” Giuliani said dur­ing the din­ner at the 21 Club, a for­mer Prohibition-era speakeasy in mid­town Manhattan. “He does­n’t love you. And he does­n’t love me. He was­n’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

Anyone who thought the war against President Obama was any­thing but racial is liv­ing a delud­ed exis­tence. President Barack Obama can­not run for anoth­er elect­ed office in America. He has rough­ly two years left in office. So one would have thought that even at fund-rais­ers oppo­nents would have sought to talk about poten­tial adver­saries , not the guy who can non longer beat them.
So what moti­vates the oppo­si­tion to Obama you ask?
Race does.
For a sick dement­ed swath of the Republican right, President Obama rep­re­sents a gross depar­ture from the foun­da­tion tenets and teach­ings of white suprema­cy and could only have attained the office through fraud, or evil des­ig­na­tion such as their charge he is an impos­tor from Kenya and worse, a dev­il Manchurian candidate.
Whether you assign cre­dence to the pub­lic­i­ty whore Rudolph Giuliani, or you believe as the National Review’s Kevin D Williamson does that,“Barack Obama spent years in the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church as the church­man ful­mi­nat­ed: “God Damn America!” The Reverend Wright’s infa­mous “God Damn America!” ser­mon charges the coun­try with a litany of abus­es: slav­ery, mis­treat­ment of the Indians, “treat­ing cit­i­zens as less than human,” etc. A less rav­ing ver­sion of the same indict­ment can be found in the president’s own speech­es and books. His social cir­cle includes such fig­ures as Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, who expressed their love of coun­try by par­tic­i­pat­ing in a mur­der­ous ter­ror­ist cam­paign against it”.
You must divorce your­self from the facts of those atroc­i­ties, suck up the abuse and nev­er men­tion it but be grate­ful that they live in the utopia of American exceptional-ism.
nev­er mind the inde­fen­si­ble atroc­i­ties met­ed out to peo­ple of col­or, the issue is not the abuse is that you dare ques­tion the method­ol­o­gy used on the path to American exceptionalism.

As loathe as I am to acknowl­edge Giuliani’s exis­tence, I do so to high­light the fact that even though they know they lie they can­not resist the lure to lie to fur­ther their agenda.
“I do not believe, and I know this is a hor­ri­ble thing to say, but I do not believe that the pres­i­dent loves America,”.
It is a hor­ri­ble thing to say because it’s a lie. The truth demands no apol­o­gy. It is hor­ri­ble that even though the despi­ca­ble Giuliani knows he was lying he could not tame his vile tongue. He knew it was the thing that would play well in that room of equal­ly vile crea­tures of hate and lies.
They gath­er using lies and deceit as they eat the meat of con­tra­dic­tion. Because on the right, right is what’s right for them. Truth is a dis­pens­able option used for expe­di­en­cy. The ide­o­log­i­cal fight around Immigration , Voting Rights and Budget allo­ca­tions are not fights they wage on right­eous prin­ci­ples. They are ide­o­log­i­cal fights waged around the con­cept of white suprema­cy and white entitlements.

In two years they will not have Obama to kick around any more,but their hate­ful rhetoric will con­tin­ue on bud­get, vot­ing, immi­gra­tion, and on police abuse so the next demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­dent will be no less a bogey-man/­woman, just not the Kenyan-born, Manchurian can­di­date sent to destroy their repub­lic.