Race-baiting Lying Demagogue Rudolph Giuliani Suspended From Practicing Law In New York

In 1992 Rudolph Guiliani led a most­ly white mob of drunk­en cops up to the steps of city hall in a riot against the Mayor. Frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs, the pro­test­ers hurled racial slurs and used every pejo­ra­tive in their lim­it­ed vocab­u­lar­ies to debase David Dinkins, the city’s first African-American Mayor.
Rudolph Guiliani, a for­mer fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor, want­ed to be may­or of New York City, and he would do any­thing to get into Gracie Mansion.

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What Rudolph Guiliani did that day, September 16th, 1992, should’ve land­ed him in prison for incit­ing a riot. Nothing was done to him, so Guiliani rode on the back of that police riot into city hall. Rudolph Guiliani cre­at­ed a lie against Dinkins; as a result of that lie, a drunk­en depraved mob of over ten thou­sand racist degen­er­ates marched on city hall with the express desire to cause harm to the sit­ting mayor.
The real rea­son behind the riot was not about any­thing the Mayor had done wrong. They were opposed to the idea that they had to report to and be held account­able to a black Mayor.
In an arti­cle pub­lished at the Cato Institute, Nat Hentoff, New Yorker and Civil Libertarian, wrote the following.

It was one of the biggest riots in New York City’s history.
As many as 10,000 demon­stra­tors blocked traf­fic in down­town Manhattan on Sept. 16, 1992. Reporters and inno­cent bystanders were vio­lent­ly assault­ed by the mob as thou­sands of dol­lars in pri­vate prop­er­ty were destroyed in mul­ti­ple acts of van­dal­ism. The pro­test­ers stormed up the steps of City Hall, occu­py­ing the build­ing. They then streamed onto the Brooklyn Bridge, where they blocked traf­fic in both direc­tions, jump­ing on the cars of trapped, ter­ri­fied motorists. Many of the pro­tes­tors were car­ry­ing guns and open­ly drink­ing alcohol.
Yet the uni­formed police present did lit­tle to stop them. Why? Because the riot­ers were near­ly all white, off-duty NYPD offi­cers. They were par­tic­i­pat­ing in a Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association demon­stra­tion against Mayor David Dinkins’ call for a Civilian Complaint Review Board and his cre­ation ear­li­er that year of the Mollen Commission, formed to inves­ti­gate wide­spread alle­ga­tions of mis­con­duct with­in the NYPD.
In the cen­ter of the may­hem, stand­ing on top of a car while curs­ing Mayor Dinkins through a bull­horn, was may­oral can­di­date Rudy Giuliani.
“Beer cans and bro­ken beer bot­tles lit­tered the streets as Mr. Giuliani led the crowd in chants,” The New York Times reported …
Newsday colum­nist Jimmy Breslin described the racist con­duct in chill­ing detail:
“The cops held up sev­er­al of the crud­est draw­ings of Dinkins, black, per­form­ing per­vert­ed sex acts,” he wrote. “And then, here was one of them call­ing across the top of his beer can held to his mouth, ‘How did you like the n*****s beat­ing you up in Crown Heights?’”
The off-duty cops were refer­ring to a severe beat­ing Breslin suf­fered while cov­er­ing the 1991 Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn.
Breslin con­tin­ued: “Now oth­ers began scream­ing … ‘How do you like what the n*****s did to you in Crown Heights?’
“ ‘Now you got a n****r right inside City Hall. How do you like that? A n****r mayor.’
“And they put it right out in the sun yes­ter­day in front of City Hall,” Breslin wrote.
“We have a police force that is open­ly racist ….”
On Thursday, June 24thRudolph W. Giuliani, a for­mer top fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor, New York City may­or, and lawyer to a pres­i­dent, had his law license sus­pend­ed after a New York court ruled on Thursday that he made “demon­stra­bly false and mis­lead­ing state­ments” while fight­ing the results of the 2020 elec­tion on behalf of Donald J. Trump.
It is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult for me not to gloat over the fall of one of the most desci­pable life-forms on plan­et earth, so I will gloat.
That the rep­re­hen­si­ble big­ot Rudolph Guiliani is to be held account­able, is one of the sweet­est bit of jus­tice, at least for this hum­ble writer. But it is not enough; a more desired out­come is for Guiliani and Donald Trump to be chained togeth­er in prison orange jump­suits and cart­ed off to jail.
We await the day when jus­tice will come full circle.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.