Rabid Aggressive Monster Dayton Ohio Cop Drags Paraplegic Black Man From His Car By His Hair(video)

Just today, I wrote about the rabid mon­sters that the US Supreme Court has turned loose on American peo­ple of color.
Remarkably, this new case came to light from Dayton, Ohio, when I pub­lished the arti­cle linked below, I was­n’t even aware of this incident.

Just lis­ten to the tone and tenor of this piece of shit in police uni­form; he is a rabid dog poised to kill.
It mat­tered not that the para­plegic man might have a his­to­ry of break­ing the law. If he was not com­mit­ting an offense at the time, he should be treat­ed with the utmost respect. However, this is not what hap­pened; the dirt­bag in uni­form oper­at­ing under the col­or of law decid­ed that he would attack and phys­i­cal­ly abuse a para­plegic man who could not fight back.
The Dayton Police is now inves­ti­gat­ing itself, and so this filthy thug in uni­form will suf­fer no con­se­quences. At best, that city’s tax­pay­ers will be made to pay for this most egre­gious human rights abuse, and it will be busi­ness as usu­al. They report­ed that they found mon­ey after they searched his car, no ille­gal drugs or weapons were found so I guess hav­ing mon­ey in one’s car is a crime.

.A per­son­’s crim­i­nal his­to­ry is not grounds to legal­ly stop them while they are driving.
.The piece of shit cop said the stop was about dark tint the motorist was not cit­ed for dark tint. Do you know why? Because the lying thug knew that it was an ille­gal traf­fic stop.
But nev­er mind that, the United Supreme Court gave them the right to ille­gal­ly stop whomev­er they want, search with­out a war­rant or jus­ti­fi­able cause, and if they find evi­dence of a crime that ille­gal­ly obtained evi­dence is good in an American court of law.
.Police can­not legal­ly stop some­one and order them out of their vehi­cles because they may have had a his­to­ry of drug deal­ing, so that they may have drug dogs sniff around their vehicle.
.This is exact­ly what Associate Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer told the six morons on the court who decid­ed in 2016 that cops can lie to cit­i­zens. The evi­dence would still be admit­ted into evi­dence — a clear, deci­sive abro­ga­tion of American cit­i­zens’ fourth amend­ment rights.
Based on what the Supreme Court has allowed them to get away with there is absolute­ly no crimes too egre­gious for them to com­mit against citizens.
Oh by the way the two dirt­bags are still on the streets, no consequence.……
Please watch the video below.

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In the footage from last month, per the Dayton Daily News, Clifford Owensby was pulled from his car, pinned to the ground, and then hand­cuffed before he was placed in a police cruis­er. Owensby is para­plegic, which means he can­not use his legs, and said that he was injured dur­ing the ordeal. “I feel like they don’t even respect me as a cit­i­zen,” Owensby said.
While some of the encounter was record­ed by a bystander, the body cam­era footage has paint­ed a clear­er pic­ture. The ini­tial rea­son for the stop, as the police have claimed, was due to con­cerns over the tint on one of the car’s win­dows. After a child was in the back of the car, but not in a car seat, the approach­ing offi­cer asked Owensby to step out of the vehicle.
“I’m para­plegic. I got help get­ting in,” he said. “Well, I’ll help you get out,” the offi­cer in the clip replied. “Well, I don’t think that’s going to hap­pen, sir,” Owensby said. The offi­cer then told him that due to his crim­i­nal his­to­ry, they would get a K‑9 unit to sniff the vehi­cle. The two went back and forth for a bit, and even­tu­al­ly, Owensbyu called a fam­i­ly mem­ber to come to assist.