The killing of Retired Senior Superintendent of Police Anthony Hewitt once again brings to the fore the critical nature of Jamaica’s crime cancer.

:I served under Anthony Hewitt when he was the offi­cer in charge of crime at the Police Area five, Head-Quartered at Constant Spring. Tony Hewitt as he was referred to by all, was then a Deputy Superintendent of Police. I did not get day-to-day instruc­tions or guid­ance from Mister Hewitt, but we were pret­ty much all extreme­ly com­fort­able with such a com­pe­tent Senior Officer at the head of the (CIB) Criminal Investigation Branch.

:Tony Hewitt

We did not agree all of the time, one thing was cer­tain though, I respect­ed the hell out of Tony Hewitt. Hewitt exem­pli­fied him­self as a Cop who did a lot of heavy lift­ing before my time. I respect­ed that and he respect­ed Cops like myself who endeav­ored to con­tin­ue to uphold the law regard­less of the offend­er. He rec­i­p­ro­cat­ed that respect to me as a young Detective who took the job seri­ous­ly and did it to the best of my abilities.

I remem­ber Tony Hewitt call­ing me into his lit­tle office in a wood­en struc­ture that once housed the Superintendent Office, he was intrigued that I was able to get good intel­li­gence from the streets, some­thing he prid­ed him­self in and built a car­rear on.

Mister Hewitt told me con­se­quent­ly” come to my office at the start of every month and I will give you some­thing to keep your infor­mants happy”.

:Every month after that Mister Hewitt would hand me an enve­lope with Twenty Dollars, this was called (impress) a small gov­ern­ment allo­ca­tion to detec­tives to cul­ti­vate and main­tain sources of information.

Senior Superintendent Hewitt went on to work for the Firearm licenc­ing Authority . Tony Hewitt would have been a stand­out at that Agency as he had been through his long and dis­tin­guished car­rear in the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

As we await the out­come of the inves­ti­ga­tions, I implore the Security Forces to bring swift jus­tice to the despi­ca­ble scum/​s who so cal­lous­ly end­ed his life.

Those who knew Tony Hewitt either loved or hat­ed him, Those com­mit­ted to a life of crime would hate him, one thing was cer­tain he was a man of the peo­ple, men and women alike came to see him at his office , many came to see him from far and near, Tony Hewitt showed that a Cops do not have to have Doctorates to be effi­cient or productive.

No oth­er Cop in Jamaica has been more effective.

Rest in peace mis­ter Hewitt.