What would you do if you were about to, or just lost your home , busi­ness, pos­si­bly your job. What if your coun­try was fight­ing two unfund­ed wars, one a war of choice, the econ­o­my was on the verge of col­lapse, and every­thing about your life the way you have come to know it seemed to be a thing of the past. Then some­one showed up and reversed all of that ‚effec­tive­ly turn­ing all of those neg­a­tives and a pletho­ra of oth­ers into pos­i­tives. Not dra­mat­i­cal­ly but slow­ly and methodically?

Let me put it anoth­er way:

You are dri­ving along the road when your car is blind-sided by a drunk dri­ver, your car is knocked off the road and is dan­gling pre­cip­i­tous­ly on a ledge. The drunk dri­ver who hit you have been dri­ving drunk for a while, he had done con­sid­er­able dam­age as a drunk dri­ver previously,but was nev­er held to account for his actions. However along comes the first respon­ders, they begin the metic­u­lous task of method­i­cal­ly secur­ing your pre­cip­i­tous­ly perched car , with you dan­gling upside down on the inside, they secure your car before begin­ning the ardu­ous task of pulling you back from har­m’s way. They have to be care­ful not to do any­thing rash, which would lead to cat­a­stroph­ic con­se­quences, so they set to work painstak­ing­ly pulling your car up from what for you, oth­er­wise would be sud­den and immi­nent death.

But the drunk-dri­ver saun­ters over and begins a tirade of attack against the first respon­ders who are work­ing to pull you to safe­ty, demand­ing instead that he be giv­en the task of pulling you back from the brink, he runs around in his delu­sion­al drunk­en stu­por , berat­ing the guys pulling you out, for not doing the job quick­ly enough, while tak­ing swigs from the half emp­ty bot­tle of liquor clutched in his bloody grip.

You still do not under­stand ? Well what do you know ‚you are indeed the rea­son this elec­tion is close, you are unin­formed, vul­ner­a­ble and the rea­son Mitt Romney is run­ning neck and neck with the pres­i­dent and poten­tial­ly could win this election.

Many bril­liant and superbly edu­cat­ed peo­ple argue that the American peo­ple are real­ly smart in choos­ing their lead­ers. Disagreeing with them is a lit­tle above my pay grade, but if some elect­ed offi­cials are any­thing to go by, I humbly beg to differ.

I saw a poll of peo­ple liv­ing in oth­er coun­tries and their pref­er­ence for who they would like to see as pres­i­dent of the United States, Barack Obama won by wide mar­gins except in Pakistan. I imag­ine that they are still smart­ing from Obama tak­ing out Osama Bin Laden in their coun­try with­out first con­sult­ing them. Of course I can well imag­ine what the pompous right who believe that the United States is the world would say to that lit­tle unim­por­tant poll, who real­ly cares what the rest of the world think we are the Americans , we are excep­tion­al, no one else matters.

The fact of the mat­ter is that all inhab­i­tants of this plan­et are inter­con­nect­ed, we depend on each oth­er for sur­vival, and whether the pompous blowhards on the right like it or not, the world’s per­cep­tion of the American President is sig­nif­i­cant as it relates to war and peace.

So the American peo­ple must ask them­selves these questions.

Do I believe in vot­er suppression?

Do I believe in Racism?

Do I believe in racist robo calls?

D0 I believe in birthetrism?

Do I believe in a can­di­date who ran a cam­paign based on total lies?

Do I want a can­di­date of Mitt Romney’s cal­iber to be the President of the United States?

Do I want a pres­i­dent who has no val­ue set?

Do I want a pres­i­dent who stands for noth­ing, a pres­i­dent who is unable to stand against the most despi­ca­ble racist dem­a­gogues in his own party?

Do I want a pres­i­dent who aligns him­self with those who train peo­ple to dis­rupt vot­ing under the pre­text of pro­tect­ing the integri­ty of the vote?

Do I want a pres­i­dent whose cam­paign is train­ing 34 Thousand so-called poll watch­ers (Project Orca) with the view to dis­rupt­ing the polls.


I have opined repeat­ed­ly that in all my years on this plan­et I have nev­er seen a can­di­date for pres­i­dent of the cal­iber of Mitt Romney. This guy has zero char­ac­ter , in actu­al­i­ty he is the low­est and the worst can­di­date imag­in­able that could be field­ed for the pres­i­den­cy on behalf of the Republican Party.

Neo-con nut case and for­mer repub­li­can can­di­date for pres­i­dent Rick Santorum, famous­ly stat­ed that Romney was the absolute worst can­di­date their par­ty could put up against Barack Obama. Context is impor­tant but Santorum’s words should be a warn­ing to each and every vot­er who enters a vot­ing booth this elec­tion. Mitt Romney is a rapa­cious plu­to­crat dri­ven by raw greed and ambi­tion, he is moti­vat­ed by mon­ey and is avail­able to the high­est bid­der, in the great scheme of things, this guy is dan­ger­ous and should not be allowed any­where near pres­i­den­tial power.

America which saw itself fac­ing eco­nom­ic col­lapse a mere three years ago, will have a long time to think of the con­se­quence of vot­ing for this mind­less Trojan Horse.

Michael Bloomberg endors­es Obama:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg who has said that Obama is arro­gant, has now jumped on the Obama band-wag­on throw­ing his sup­port to the pres­i­dent. I’m unsure whether this has any val­ue to the pres­i­dent, who was going to win at least 4 of the 5 bor­oughs of new York City any­way, not sure of Staten Island. Bloomberg obvi­ous­ly see the writ­ing on the wall and now wants to get on board. Ever the tac­ti­cian he sees some ben­e­fit in endors­ing the pres­i­dent at this time , this despite what he writes in the Wall Street Journal, is about Michael Bloomberg rather that about the pres­i­dent or the American people.

Ever the cyn­ic I must ask. ” Was the effu­sive and lav­ish praise Chris Christie bestowed on the pres­i­dent pure­ly from the heart, or has Christie seen the writ­ing on the wall, is Christie look­ing past the November 6th elec­tion and a sec­ond Obama term to an open field and a pos­si­ble Chris Christie Candidacy, Romney be damned ?

Just ask­ing !