Put Prison Deal On The Ballot Let The People Decide.…

12002824_10204945833425221_401427015886358774_nOpposition Jamaica Labor Party mem­bers walked out of the Parliament two days ago to reg­is­ter their dis­gust at the lies of the Simpson Miller Administration as it relates to the pro­posed £25 mil­lion pound ster­ling gift from Britain toward help­ing to build a prison in Jamaica.
According to the deal the Island would be oblig­at­ed to take in excess of 300 pris­on­ers present­ly serv­ing time in British Prisons.
What seemed to have elud­ed many includ­ing the Administration is that the Island would be con­trac­tu­al­ly oblig­at­ed to take back all Jamaicans who are con­vict­ed of crimes in England going forward.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly that non-cit­i­zens of Britain who com­mit crimes in Britain should pay for their crimes in Prison, just not at the expense of British taxpayers.
It does not get any clear­er than that.
It’s impor­tant to note that this deal has been float­ed before to the Golding Administration and was shot down by that Administration.
Then we won­der why Bruce Golding was forced out of offi­cer? Anyway.….
Also on the table is the nag­ging issue of repa­ra­tions for slav­ery a top­ic which has gar­nered loud­er and loud­er calls of late .
Cameron stead­fast­ly said he would not address the issue as his Administration and his coun­try are more con­cerned with build­ing rela­tion­ships going for­ward rather than dwell on things of the past.
How utter­ly con­ve­nient for Cameron the off­spring of Slaver hold­ers to not want to pay for their crimes but I digress?

The “Trojan horse” £25 mil­lion pound ster­ling offer will be an impos­si­ble lure to the hun­gry fish of an Administration in Kingston.
Even as the Minister of National Security Peter Bunting lit­er­al­ly swears that the mon­ey offered is not a gift and goes to great lengths to con­vince the Nation no deal has been signed, he seemed unable to con­tain the glee at the prospect of receiv­ing the money.

Security Minister Peter Bunting: Prison deal will benefit both Jamaica and Britain
Security Minister Peter Bunting: Prison deal will ben­e­fit both Jamaica and Britain

… It’s not a gift. They have been very clear that this sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tion towards the build­ing of the new prison is con­di­tion­al upon us pass­ing leg­is­la­tion, suc­cess­ful­ly nego­ti­at­ing a pris­on­er trans­fer agree­ment, and then mak­ing it oper­a­tional,” Bunting told reporters at yes­ter­day’s Jamaica House press brief­ing. However, despite the rag­ing debate, it could take up to a year before the coun­try knows if Britain will give Jamaica the promised £25 mil­lion to build the new penal facility,

Immediately after say­ing that the very same Peter Bunting who said no deal has been signed and the mon­ey is not a gift went on to say .…
“There can be a win-win sit­u­a­tion in this because it costs about £6,000 to keep a pris­on­er in a Jamaican facil­i­ty ver­sus £25,000 in a UK facil­i­ty, so there is suf­fi­cient scope for there to be a win-win if and when we get to nego­ti­at­ing the pris­on­er trans­fer agree­ment itself,”

Okay so there you have it.
Administration oper­a­tives are busy , with cal­cu­la­tors out, they are sali­vat­ing at the prospect that some­how Britain will trans­fer the equiv­a­lent of of  £25,000 per inmate the pur­port­ed cost of tak­ing care of one pris­on­er per year in Britain as opposed to Jamaica where they sup­pos­ed­ly spend £6,000 to take care of one pris­on­er for the year.
The Politicians in the PNP already sees this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to siphon off £19.000 pound ster­ling per inmate to do with it what they choose. You decide whether this will go into the pub­lic cof­fers to take care of the nation’s busi­ness as against dis­ap­pear­ing into their pockets.

The ques­tions then becomes how long will Britain be pre­pared to send the equiv­a­lent of £25,000 per inmate to Jamaica after the PTA?
After the last pris­on­er has been trans­ferred will Britain be pre­pared to pay for their incar­cer­a­tion for the dura­tion of the time they are incarcerated?
Will Britain con­tin­ue to pay Jamaica to incar­cer­ate Jamaicans who com­mit crimes and are con­vict­ed in England?
It is impor­tant that we keep in mind that the rea­son the Brits are engag­ing in this offer is to reduce, not increase cost to British taxpayers.
This deal also allows Britain to cre­ate the nec­es­sary diver­sion so they do not have to dis­cuss the burn­ing issue of Reparations.

The Government is not telling the Nation the truth. The fact is that the Portia Simpson Miller Administration is seri­ous­ly engaged to push­ing this deal for­ward if the peo­ple allow it.
Of course the Jamaican peo­ple will be bom­bard­ed with the scur­rilous nar­ra­tive that the Nation’s jails are old and decrepit by their well placed operatives.
The truth of the mat­ter is that regard­less of the state of the Nation’s penal facil­i­ties it is not up to England or any oth­er out­side source to build pris­ons in Jamaica.
Jamaica achieved it’s inde­pen­dence from Britain in 1962 .
Since 1972 The Jamaica Labor Party has held office for a measly 12 years .
This means that out of 43 years the Governing PNP has held office a stun­ning 31 years.
The inept­ness, cor­rup­tion, incom­pe­tence, and thiev­ery of the Governing Administration has reduced the qual­i­ty of life in the Island to worse that that of many devel­op­ing countries.
Why has the PNP not built a sin­gle prison in 31 years?

The val­ue of the Nation’s cur­ren­cy is now worth expo­nen­tial­ly less than peren­ni­al under­achiev­ing Haiti .
The sit­u­a­tion in the coun­try is dire yet the vast major­i­ty of the peo­ple are either too stu­pid or too hyp­no­tized and indoc­tri­nat­ed to see that they have been giv­en a 6 for a 9.
Once again what the PNP Administration is after is anoth­er pay­day for them and their phan­tom con­trac­tors who con­trol the Garrisons.
They are going to try to hur­ry this leg­is­la­tion argu­ing that the deal is time sen­si­tive, fail­ing which Britain will walk away from the deal.
I say let them walk away.
This Administration should not be allowed to sell or make deci­sions on anoth­er sin­gle blade of grass from our country.
It does not require a great deal of thought,If the Portia Simpson Miller Administration believes in trans­paren­cy and account­abil­i­ty let the mat­ter be placed on the bal­lot in the upcom­ing elec­tions and let the peo­ple decide whether they want Britain to build a prison in Jamaica to incar­cer­ate Jamaicans.