Punk Who Murdered Security Guard Nabbed By Cops

Days ago we asked that you the cit­i­zens help the police to find this killer who sum­mar­i­ly and cal­lous­ly mur­dered Lincoln Graham a hard work­ing secu­ri­ty Officer as he did his job at a com­mer­cial enti­ty in Portmore Saint Catherine.

We do not yet know all the facts but we are reli­ably informed that this piece of garbage has been appre­hend­ed by the police and is in custody.

The infor­ma­tion we have so far indi­cates that he was cap­tured in the Old Harbor Bay sec­tion of the Parish.
As more infor­ma­tion becomes avail­able we will update this post.
In the mean­time, we salute the police for mov­ing with haste to cap­ture this real dan­ger to the soci­ety.

Unfortunately, for the fam­i­ly of the dece­dent, Mister Graham, jus­tice is not guar­an­teed as this piece of garbage will be in the sys­tem and the lib­er­al sys­tem which favors his kind will do all in its pow­er to ensure that he does not face justice.

This is the rea­son I per­son­al­ly advo­cate for a dif­fer­ent brand of jus­tice for these killers when we have no doubt that they did what they are accused of doing and we know that the sys­tem is dead set on work­ing on their behalf.
Nevertheless, we thank all who worked to make this arrest possible.