Pull Up The Draw-bridge:not.…

England vot­ed to remove itself from the European Union it’s lead­ers now strug­gle to fig­ure out how to extri­cate them­selves ful­ly from the EU with min­i­mal damage.
At the same time Scotland does­n’t even know whether it wants to stay wed­ded to Great Britain.
France wants England to the leave the EU imme­di­ate­ly, a process France knows will take upward of two years and beyond to com­plete accord­ing to qual­i­fied estimates.

Emmanuel Macron President elect France…

France which flirt­ed with elect­ing a far right Xenophobe to it’s pres­i­den­cy, has come to it’s sens­es and elect­ed Emmanuel Macron a 39 year old.
Macron’s ele­va­tion elicit­ed sighs of relief across west­ern Europe.
What was seen as a sharp rise in right wing nation­al­ism in Europe is now blunt­ed as a result of the French vote.

The elec­tion of Macron meant that the Donald Trump endorsed “Marine” Le Pen’s stri­dent xeno­pho­bia has been round­ly reject­ed in France.
Also high on the agen­da was alleged Russian inter­fer­ence in European elec­tions as have been report­ed to have occurred in the last US Presidential elections.

Concerned about their safe­ty as they should, French vot­ers were able to find a path for­ward from the real con­cerns they have about Terrorists enter­ing their coun­try to do them harm and the need to have an open society .
Instead of choos­ing fear , dem­a­goguery and deri­sion they chose hope , open inter­ac­tion and progress.

For the peo­ple of the World’s sixth largest econ­o­my it was a deci­sive vote to shun vile Racism and Xenophobia under the thin­ly veiled veneer of safe­ty and security.
Every coun­try reserve the right to secure it’s bor­der, in fact it is their absolute duty, but secu­ri­ty does not mean demo­niz­ing oth­ers who are in need of a refuge.

Marine” Le Pen

To make it seem like an entire nation of peo­ple are poten­tial ter­ror­ists and mur­der­ers is to demon­strate a cal­lous­ness which tran­scend empa­thy and caring.
It is dem­a­gog­ic, igno­rant and self-serving.
French vot­ers stood up with this vote and said “no”.

Instead of bow­ing to hatred fear and iso­la­tion­ism they vot­ed for inclu­sion , empa­thy and progress.
They under­stand that there is no demon­stra­ble path where Isolationism , fear, and mean-spir­it­ed rhetoric will win the day over inclusion.
Viva la France.…