Makes You Pull Your Hair And Scream

May Pen Cemetary
May Pen Cemetary

There are times when I sim­ply just throw up my hands in exas­per­a­tion at the total incom­pe­tence and cor­rup­tion of Jamaican Officials. The JamaicaGleaner​.com reports that the Country is run­ning out of space to bury the dead​.In a report dat­ed Nov.11. 2014 the Paper reports that in 2013 ‚15,427 deaths were record­ed. Those num­bers are shock­ing all to them­selves when con­sid­ered in the con­text of the Country’s under 3 mil­lion population.

The report went on to state quote. The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) is con­cerned that Jamaica is run­ning out of pub­lic space to bury persons.

I am going to take a leap and assume the Report is refer­ring to dead peo­ple. Anyway , even as the report high­lights the loom­ing prob­lem with so many deaths and such small land space peo­ple con­tin­ue to erect mam­moth edi­fices in Public Cemetery to hon­or their dead. The report cor­rect­ly spoke to the prac­tice of bury­ing dead in places which threat­en drink­ing water, as well as in places which neg­a­tive­ly impacts the val­ue of the prop­er­ty of oth­ers. In all of this one has to ask , “why is it so dif­fi­cult for the lazy ego-mani­a­cal thieves who run the Country to draft Legislation to fix this sim­ple prob­lem? How dif­fi­cult is it to have man­age­ment in place that does it’s damn job? Whether the UDC or the KSAC, irre­spec­tive of who is in charge, why can’t they get up off their sor­ry ass­es and actu­al­ly do some­thing? How incom­pe­tent can these nin­com­poops real­ly be ?