Prosecutor Acted As Darren Wilson’s Defense Counsel

St Louis County pros­e­cu­tor Robert McCulloch pulled off one of the biggest three-card*monty on the Justice sys­tem in America in mod­ern history.
McCulloch was able to defy com­mu­ni­ty calls to step aside in the Michael Brown mur­der out­rage stay on and sub­vert the course of justice.
Robert McCulloch used and abused the pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al pow­ers vest­ed in him turn­ing those pow­ers on the very peo­ple who empow­ered him. The cha­rade of a Grand-jury inves­ti­ga­tions staged my McCulloch fooled only those who want­ed to be fooled. The Prosecutor’s office was coun­sel for Darren Wilson.
His actions were so egre­gious it was shame­ful that in a coun­try which claim to have the best jus­tice sys­tem, this kind of banana-repub­lic the­atrics could be per­pet­u­at­ed, in a homi­cide case no less.

Case in point .
McCulloch’s pros­e­cu­tors Kathi Alizadeh and Sheila Whirley made no bones about being defense attor­neys for Darren Wilson.
The entire Transcript of the pro­ceed­ings are so dis­gust­ing it is beyond me that this could pass with­out McCulloch and the two lack­eys not pros­e­cut­ed for per­pet­u­at­ing fraud.
One does not need to be a lawyer to come to terms with the enor­mi­ty and the mag­ni­tude of the fraud they pulled off on the fam­i­ly of Michael Brown, Brown’s mem­o­ry, and on the crim­i­nal jus­tice system.

Michael Brown was on tri­al. There was no attempt to indict Darren Wilson.

Here is how Lisa Bloom saw it.

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A cur­so­ry read of the ques­tions posed to Dorian Johnson by Whirley the Prosecutor , reveals Whirley the wolf in sheep cloth­ing act­ing on Darren Wilson’s behalf.
The Transcript made me sick to my stomach.
As a for­mer police offi­cer who spent untold hours in court­rooms lis­ten­ing to evi­dence and giv­ing evi­dence, I was stunned that this kind of thing could happen.
It made me angry.
It made me sad for humanity.
It filled me with rage that any person.
Any system.
Anyone with a shred of decen­cy , a shred of human­i­ty ‚could be that hate­ful of it’s own cit­i­zens that it would go to such lengths to cov­er for their murderers.