Properly Train Officers, Give Them Good Intelligence To Get The Bad Guys/​that Is How It’s Done…

I saw a report that a certain Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) told the media that raids were carried out in his area of command by his officers and that the raids were so intense men not on his most-wanted list but still wanted were captured.
The pronouncement came after one of the punks,Damion ‘Devil’ Henry, 21, from Burke Road in Old Harbour, handed himself over to the police yesterday; He is allegedly wanted for murder.(Well, duh), we’ll get back to this point of sarcasm.
(On a side note, a corrupt judge will almost certainly turn him loose in short order).

I have been fol­low­ing the tra­jec­to­ry of vio­lent crimes like every­one else, and I must say, “when trou­ble ketch yu pick­ney shut fit yu.”
The Commissioner of Police, under pres­sure from sev­er­al quar­ters as vio­lent crimes con­tin­ue to esca­late, caught a break in January, and that break has con­tin­ued into February. Many guns were recov­ered by the foot sol­diers, who are the real heroes in the JCF.
Bravo to the men and women of the JCF, the street war­riors who are get­ting action­able intel­li­gence that is bear­ing fruits.
Let me dis­abuse all of you, who, for your own rea­sons, want to attribute the suc­cess­es of the hard-work­ing mem­bers of the force to the hier­ar­chy and, more specif­i­cal­ly, the com­mis­sion­er of police.
Commissioners of police do [not] get or gath­er intel­li­gence; action­able intel­li­gence comes from the low­ly foot sol­diers who ingra­ti­ate them­selves into the com­mu­ni­ties and with mem­bers of the communities.
I am not mad at the Commish for soak­ing up the glo­ry, but let’s put things in perspective.

Anderson show­ing off an AK47 rifle recov­ered by the police

Having said that, It appears that Commissioner Anderson is a stand-up guy. Some have made the case that as far as com­mis­sion­ers go, he seems to be cut from a dif­fer­ent cloth in that he finds his way out onto the streets and min­gle with his offi­cers. That is indeed a plus, and this writer wish­es to con­grat­u­late the com­mis­sion­er for under­stand­ing the impor­tance of in-touch lead­er­ship in sit­u­a­tions like these.
Now, let’s back­track to the SSPs com­ments that the heat his offi­cers brought caused at least one want­ed man to turn him­self in. Whether those com­ments are just brag­gado­cio, we may nev­er know? Who knows, the man may have decid­ed to turn him­self in based on sev­er­al fac­tors- say,(a) maybe the cops real­ly have noth­ing tan­gi­ble on him, or (b) he knows his high-priced defense lawyer will slip some­thing to the judge, and he will be back on the streets in no time.
Many of you saw the reck­less dri­ver with mul­ti­ple unpaid tick­ets pur­sued and even­tu­al­ly arrest­ed recently.
You also saw how many lives he jeop­ar­dized before he was final­ly col­lared by the cops; well, we were informed that he was grant­ed bail despite the dan­ger he pos­es to the pub­lic. This is the insid­i­ous cor­rup­tion that now exists with­in the Jamaican judiciary.

See the video of that encounter below.

When has bring­ing the heat failed to con­tain crim­i­nals? Who thought the way to treat dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals like those who sum­mar­i­ly exe­cut­ed two Chines busi­ness­peo­ple in Saint Elizabeth was to treat them kindly?
I can tell you who did, Andrew Holness did, even though I believe he is now hav­ing a come-to Jesus-moment, an awak­en­ing, going through a metamorphosis.
I believe he had that moment after the Haitian President was assas­si­nat­ed in his own home. Most of the peo­ple in the oppo­si­tion People’s National Party believe in shield­ing vio­lent crim­i­nals. They have a his­to­ry of doing so from as far back as the 70s when they sent cop-killers to Cuba and onto Canada and the United States.

See the video of the cold-blood­ed mur­der of a Chines couple.

YouTube player

Holness thought these mon­sters could be tamed; he berat­ed the police for going after them with the same ener­gy they com­mit the das­tard­ly acts they com­mit. He talked about not want­i­ng any name-brand cops. Andrew Holness talked about trans­form­ing the JCF; I, too, want a trans­formed JCF, one that can inves­ti­gate, gath­er intel­li­gence, and arrest and pros­e­cute sus­pects. However, Holness and his cabal, includ­ing Bruce Golding and oth­ers, want­ed a cour­tesy corps.
You all recalled that the University Of the West Indies, the so-called intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to, was hap­py to offer to help train cops?
I have been try­ing to find out what hap­pened to that idea, but I haven’t yet con­firmed whether that even­tu­al­ly occurred and how those paper cops turned out.
Let us be seri­ous, polic­ing is not pret­ty; tak­ing down crim­i­nal net­works is not some­thing you try to do for eight hours and then go home; it requires a 24 – 7 oper­a­tion with peo­ple who know what the hell they are doing.
You can keep your paper cops trained by the frauds and fakes up by uwi, and give me a dozen men trained at the Mobile Reserve; we will get it done.

Jamaica start­ed slid­ing into total anar­chy after Seaga left office in 88. After Manley won again and PJ Patterson took over, it was the death knell for Jamaicans peace and tranquility.
Jamaica lost its inno­cence between Patterson, Portia, and Bruce Golding and will nev­er get it back. Corrupt, immoral crim­i­nals run­ning our coun­try favored mur­der­ers over the rule of law, and that is the rea­son our coun­try is stuck in the ran­cid quick­sand of failure.
Two polit­i­cal par­ties, both com­plete­ly inju­ri­ous to the greater good, have dam­aged our coun­try beyond any­thing we could have imag­ined just so that they could steal and plun­der from the nation­al purse with­out a com­pe­tent law-enforce­ment infra­struc­ture to inves­ti­gate and imprison them.
You damn right that bring­ing the heat is the only way to cap­ture, kill, or run those mur­der­ous scum into the sea. I’ve been say­ing it for decades.
Contrary to what the fuck­ing liars up by UWI tells you, those mon­sters only respect force, the awe­some, over­whelm­ing force of the state. You do [not] tie up law enforce­ment resources in stu­pid ZOSOs & SOEs; you prop­er­ly train your offi­cers then give them good intel­li­gence to get the bad guys. That is how it’s done, period.
Anything else is piss­ing in the wind; it comes right back at you.……






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.