Project-2025 The Handmaid’s Tale Explained

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President Joe Biden’s flubs, inco­her­ence, and loss of his thoughts mid-sen­tence dur­ing the debates against Donald Trump are legit­i­mate things that the Democratic Party should be talk­ing about. The Democratic Party is not a cult like the Republican Party that bows in fear to the dic­tates of its dear leader. Many argue that talk­ing about Biden’s débâ­cle of a debate weak­ens their can­di­date; this is absolute hog­wash. Burying one’s head in the sand and pre­tend­ing that the issue before us will dis­ap­pear is not a good strategy.
They argue that talk­ing about Biden empow­ers Trump. Realistically, every­one talk­ing about Joe Biden wants to defeat Donald Trump in November. They say there is no room for error and want to ensure they put up the best can­di­date to defeat Trump. Those vot­ers will sup­port Joe Biden; they want the best shot at doing so.

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Having seen the whole debate, your hum­ble ser­vant has been among those who called for the President to step aside. Biden’s friends talk about his suc­cess­es; no ratio­nal per­son can deny them, but not every­one is hap­py with some oth­er things. For exam­ple, Biden’s full-throat­ed sup­port of the Zionist Criminal who leads the Apartheid state of Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinian people. 
They also dis­cuss Biden’s patri­o­tism for his coun­try. The most patri­ot­ic thing any­one can do is put their ego and self aside and put their coun­try before them­selves. Biden has been a suc­cess­ful pres­i­dent by every met­ric in this first term.
He could have walked away and been seen as a hero by allow­ing some­one younger and more dynam­ic to take the lead. Kamala Harris is up to the task. Having said the fore­gone, if the President decides to stay, the par­ty needs to coa­lesce around him in the face of the exis­ten­tial threat Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and the Supreme Court pos­es, not just to our freedoms but our very lives.
I sat in on a casu­al dis­cus­sion over the week­end with some peo­ple I con­sid­er pret­ty intel­li­gent: Black peo­ple. I was stunned at the lack of recog­ni­tion of the threat the nation faces if Donald Trump were ever to return to the pres­i­den­cy and the seri­ous threat he pos­es to Black peo­ple’s exis­tence in America.
Donald Trump would be a lot more pow­er­ful if he returned to pow­er. He has at his dis­pos­al a cor­rupt Supreme Court he fash­ioned in his image, hav­ing been allowed to place three mem­bers on the nine-mem­ber Court, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett, in addi­tion to the cor­rupt Thomas Alito and the acqui­es­cent Roberts.
Trump’s acolytes have pre­pared a Fascist doc­u­ment, Project 2025, a blue­print for auto­crat­ic rule; the Supreme Court in Trump V US gave Donald Trump a free hand to exter­mi­nate his oppo­nents with­out consequence.
Please read the doc­u­ment; we are not being shrill or hyperbolic.


Joe Biden is still the President of the United States, yet we have seen the pow­er of a court fash­ioned in the image of a Fascist dic­ta­tor. The Court has sin­gle-hand­ed­ly struck down set­tled laws. Every court mem­ber told the Senate they would respect (stare deci­sis, let­ting the prece­dent stand). The six right-wing reac­tionar­ies on the Court all lied as they engaged in dis­man­tling what Steve Bannon calls the Administrative State. John Roberts alone has shown him­self to be a patho­log­i­cal liar.
As Chief Justice, Roberts has presided over 21 prece­dent-over­turn­ing cas­es and vot­ed to over­turn prece­dent in 17 (81%).
The Court dis­man­tled the 1965 Voting Rights Act using the laugh­able log­ic that there was no longer a need to pro­tect Black vot­ers because there was no longer any­one stop­ping them from vot­ing. That ver­dict prompt­ed a bar­rage of vot­er sup­pres­sion laws across the South and oth­er parts of the country.
The Court struck down Roe V Wade in its Dobbs deci­sion. Roe has been the law of the land for forty-nine years. The Red States imme­di­ate­ly began pass­ing laws lim­it­ing and crim­i­nal­iz­ing abor­tions. They are com­ing for con­tra­cep­tion soon. Clarence Thomas all but told them to do it, and the high­est Court will decide in their favor.
In Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, she over­turned Chevron USA v. National Resources Defense Council2 and the fed­er­al judi­cia­ry’s forty-year-old prac­tice of defer­ring to agen­cies’ rea­son­able inter­pre­ta­tions of ambigu­ous fed­er­al laws. In a 6 – 3 deci­sion, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that the judi­cia­ry has the sole pre­rog­a­tive to “say what the law is.
Roberts and his cronies on the Court arro­gat­ed to them­selves the pow­er to decide over qual­i­fied sci­en­tists and experts on crit­i­cal issues of life and death. Agencies like the FDA, CDC, OSHA, EPA, and oth­ers are far weak­er today because the lawyers in the high­est Court know more than the sci­en­tists in these agencies.
Even more fright­en­ing is the deci­sion of Trump ver­sus the US, the Roberts court hold­ing: Under our con­sti­tu­tion­al struc­ture of sep­a­rat­ed pow­ers, the nature of Presidential pow­er enti­tles a for­mer President to absolute immu­ni­ty from crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion for actions with­in his con­clu­sive and pre­clude — sive con­sti­tu­tion­al authority.
This means that Trump can now shoot any­one on 5th Avenue, and he can­not be prosecuted.
Trump’s peo­ple say this is a sec­ond Revolution that will be blood­less if those who dis­agree with them bow down to the MAGA agenda.
It is fright­en­ing to the tenth degree that we could be dither­ing about what we do not like about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at this time.
Voters in France under­stood what was at stake, and so they band­ed togeth­er, put their dif­fer­ences aside, and ensured that the Fascist right wing did not take pow­er in their country.
Voters in Britain turned their backs on the Conservative Right and returned Labor to pow­er for the first time in four­teen years.
In America, a sin­gle-term, twice-impeached, pussy-grab­bing, thir­ty-four-count con­vict­ed felon is lead­ing in the polls.
Democratic and Independent vot­ers do not have the lux­u­ry of cut­ting off their noses to spite their faces.


Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.