Prime Minister Moves Chess Pieces To Guarantee Victory But Tells Uninformed Electorate She Awaits God’s Word..


Cheap parochial pol­i­tics is still the norm in Jamaica, whomev­er hold pow­er uses that pow­er to the max­i­mum to in fact stay in power.
For years I have been shout­ing in the wilder­ness that the time has come for Jamaica to set fixed National elec­tion dates, effec­tive­ly remov­ing that pow­er from the sit­ting Prime Minister regard­less of the par­ty in power.
It’s the year 2015 and I was shocked to hear Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller assert in rela­tion to immi­nent elections.

The jour­ney might be long and I’m not telling you that the cam­paign will not be long. And I hear every­body guess­ing whether I’m going to call elec­tion or not. You will be appro­pri­ate­ly informed when my mas­ter touch­es me and say, ‘my daugh­ter go [now]’,”
“And as I go around, I will feel the pulse and then at the right time I will give you the sound­ing of the trum­pet. Oh my Comrades, see the sig­nal wav­ing in the sky reinforcement…victory, vic­to­ry, vic­to­ry is nigh,” .

Let’s be clear nation­al elec­tions are not con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly due until ear­ly 2017 , how­ev­er the Nation has been on elec­tion foot­ing for months now. The Prime Minister’s own words con­firms that fact.
Yet she con­tin­ues to play with the Nation’s busi­ness like it’s her per­son­al lit­tle social club .
As a firm believ­er in God I find it an affront that she would inti­mate that some­how God Almighty will some­how tell her when to call elections.
If God was in the busi­ness of speak­ing to Portia he would have done so long ago regard­ing the plight of the peo­ple in the coun­try under her stewardship.
But more so he cer­tain­ly would have harsh words for her about her four decades in pol­i­tics, the pover­ty of the peo­ple she gov­erns and the con­di­tion of her con­stituen­cy of South West St. Andrew the most deplorable in the country.

Fixed elec­tion dates forces politi­cians to per­form then face the peo­ple come elec­tion time. Leaving it to the par­ty in pow­er to decide when elec­tions are called allows manip­u­la­tion of the process as we are wit­ness­ing again.
She allud­ed to that very point.
“As I go around, I will feel the pulse and then at the right time I will give you the sound­ing of the trum­pet
Unwittingly ele­vat­ing her­self to deity , but more so reveal­ing her par­ty’s true inten­tions behind her manip­u­la­tion of the process.
Internal polls are alleged to show her trail­ing bad­ly , jux­ta­pose that with the tur­moil in her par­ty sur­round­ing who will rep­re­sent cer­tain con­stituen­cies , the astro­nom­i­cal high cost of liv­ing and the pover­ty and mis­ery index, Miller is under­stand­ably afraid to face the electorate.

 Portia Simpson Miller

Portia Simpson Miller

So while she prays for God to change con­di­tions even as she has had years to do her job and did not, the entire civ­il soci­ety is fever­ish­ly work­ing to change the par­a­digm to once again fool the gullible and unin­formed electorate.
Just today the Jamaica Gleaner report­ed that Gas prices will be going down a whop­ping $3.47 .

Petrojam has announced a $3.47 cut in the prices of gaso­line effec­tive tomor­row. E10 87 gaso­line will sell for $94.77 per litre while E10 90 octane will sell for $96.42 per litre. Meanwhile, the price of Automotive Diesel Oil will move down by $2.42 per litre to sell for $92.08. A litre of kerosene will go down by $2.59 to sell for $87.90. Propane cook­ing gas will sell for $32.08 per litre fol­low­ing a cut of $1.25 while butane will move down by $1.11 to sell for $39.95 per litre. Marketing com­pa­nies and retail­ers will add their respec­tive markups to the announced prices.

The price of Oil and nat­ur­al gas has trend­ed down for almost two years now. Gas in some parts of New York State is now under $2 per gal­lon as opposed to $5 at the heights of the gas price increase that rep­re­sent an over 60% reduc­tion in price. How con­ve­nient it is that just now gas prices will be low­ered by a whop­ping $3.47 as talk ramps up about elections?
Additionally the Government has announced that there will soon be an auto­mo­bile assem­bly plant in St Catherine which will poten­tial­ly employ thou­sands. The Bank of Jamaica not to be out­done has announced that the Jamaican Dollar is no longer overvalued.
To the aver­age per­son some of these state­ments may not mean much but to those tuned into the process these and oth­er fore­casts and asser­tions rep­re­sents a coun­try going in the right direc­tion. A County poised for growth and pros­per­i­ty which is exact­ly the oppo­site of the truth .

The PNP has mas­tered the art of polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion and dis­tor­tion. It has woven it’s way into every crevasse of nation­al life like a can­cer­ous tumor. This effec­tive­ly politi­cizes every Governmental func­tion inevitably por­tray­ing the Administration and par­ty as benev­o­lent provider.
The Party has effec­tive­ly destroyed the coun­try’s econ­o­my in its rapa­cious pur­suit of state power.
Effectively reduc­ing our coun­try to a Banana Republic which refus­es to acknowl­edge it is a banana republic.