We were always led to believe that it was a manager’s perogative to choose his team, in sports , business and certainly, the presidency of the United States.There is a lot to be said for senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, being considered for the role of Secretary of State of the United States. Senator Kerry after all has been the person who gave Barack Obama a national stage on which to shine. John Kerry made Obama the keynote speaker at his convention in 2004.

Fast for­ward to 2012 and the pres­i­den­tial cam­paign, John Kerry was an unwa­ver­ing and staunch sup­port­er of Obama. Senator Kerry has giv­en of him­self , stand­ing in as Mitt Romney as Obama pre­pared for the debates lead­ing up to the 2012 elec­tions. Throughout the Obama pres­i­den­cy John Kerry has been a vocal and staunch sup­port­er of the pres­i­dent and his admin­is­tra­tion, some­thing that can­not be said of many democrats.

John Kerry’s pres­i­den­tial run was tor­pe­doed because repub­li­can right wing smear machine was able to turn a dec­o­rat­ed Vietnam war hero into a car­i­ca­ture, and at the same time it placed a man who hid out the entire war because of his fam­i­ly name and influ­ence. It would please me supreme­ly to see Obama reward Senator Kerry with the nom­i­na­tion to be the next sec­re­tary of state, many argue it’s a job Kerry real­ly wants.

With that said there is some­thing that must be said for a Kerry nom­i­na­tion, were the pres­i­dent to buck con­ven­tion­al wis­dom and not pick Susan Rice.

Every President, as all man­agers do, absolute­ly have the right to pick the team he or she chose to serve in their admin­is­tra­tion. It says a lot about pres­i­den­tial author­i­ty, if Barack Obama were to allow John McCain and the right to dic­tate to him who he chose to fill vacan­cies with­in his administration.

The US Constitution gives the Senate over­sight, (advise and con­sent) they have the pow­er to do due dili­gence, in deter­min­ing in their informed judge­ment, whether a nom­i­nee is qual­i­fied for the post to which he/​she is nom­i­nat­ed. They may vote no, that is the right of each of the 100 senators.

Susan Rice

What they do not have, is a Constitutional right to besmirch a per­son who has not even had her name entered for nom­i­na­tion. Susan Rice has not been nom­i­nat­ed to the post of sec­re­tary of state, it leads us to ask then,” what is the fire-storm about”? What is the obses­sion and ven­om for?

It would seem there is a cer­tain dis­dain with­in the repub­li­can par­ty for African-Americans, Van Jones the (crazy com­mu­nist), Susan Rice(unqualified), Eric Holder( con­spir­a­tor of fast and furi­ous), Valerie Jarrett (no expe­ri­ence to do any­thing) or Obama himself.(community orga­niz­er who nev­er ran anything).

This new love repub­li­cans have for sen­a­tor Kerry is at best cyn­i­cal and insult­ing, it goes to the heart of pres­i­den­tial author­i­ty, yet deeply trou­bling in intent. If Senator Kerry was to vacate his sen­ate seat, it would imme­di­ate­ly open up the poten­tial for recent­ly defeat­ed sen­a­tor Scott Brown to be reward­ed with anoth­er sen­ate seat up there in Massachusetts.

The polit­i­cal games­man­ship being per­pet­u­at­ed by repub­li­cans under­cuts the pres­i­den­t’s abil­i­ty to choose his own team, not only that it poten­tial­ly empow­ers them in a sen­ate where Mitch McConnell has made it his duty to obstruct every piece of leg­is­la­tion the pres­i­dent tries to get through there.

McConnell and repub­li­cans opposed to Obama, has abused the fil­i­buster process in that body lit­er­al­ly mak­ing sure very lit­tle gets done out­side pres­i­den­tial fiat,(executive order)

On that basis I strong­ly believe the pres­i­dent should nom­i­nate Susan Rice and ram her down their damn throats„ he can­not appear to acqui­esce to the extor­tion­ist strong-arm meth­ods being employed by repub­li­cans wrapped in the John McCain packaging.

Obama just won re-elec­tion by almost a hun­dred elec­toral votes, and a wide plu­ral­i­ty of the raw vote. The vot­ers have spo­ken, the elec­tions are over, if repub­li­cans don’t want to gov­ern then Obama must ram the pro­gres­sive agen­da down their throats until they gag.

But if his past is any­thing to go by, Obama will cave in the name of bipar­ti­san­ship, of course many on the right believe he has no right being president,why would he then allow his pres­i­den­cy to be dic­tat­ed by them? Republicans have used every tac­tic to get Obama to do their bid­ding , even though he beat them twice at the bal­lot box, most of his achieve­ments are clos­er to repub­li­can poli­cies than that of a pro­gres­sive president.

It is time for Obama to man up and get going on the pro­gres­sive agen­da, he was elect­ed twice, he does not need to face vot­ers again, this is the time for him to do what he was elect­ed to do.

The first order of busi­ness is to nom­i­nate Susan Rice, ram her down their throats and get mov­ing on his sec­ond term.

The issue of what hap­pened in the Libyan town of Benghazi is a legit­i­mate mat­ter for Congressional over­sight, as such, any con­gres­sion­al review body, duly con­sti­tut­ed, has a duty to get to the bot­tom of what exact­ly hap­pened, find out why it hap­pened, who is respon­si­ble if there are fail­ures of respon­si­bil­i­ty, and take cor­rec­tive action to ensure that the like­li­hood of recur­rence is min­i­mized if not poten­tial­ly eliminated.

The fam­i­ly of slain Ambassador Chris Stephens has asked repub­li­cans not to politi­cize the death of their loved one, this has not stopped the onslaught of attacks from the right led by sore los­er John McCain and his South Carolina side-kick Lindsay Graham. Barack Obama, pres­i­dent of the United States is the per­son who sent Ambassador Stephens to Africa, not John McCain or Lindsay Graham, nei­ther of whom have the author­i­ty to do so. It fol­lows there­fore that the pres­i­dent would want to know what hap­pened, prob­a­bly more-so than either of the two afore­men­tioned antagonists.

Their line of attack has tak­en a tone rem­i­nis­cent of the two cam­paigns Obama has been involved in for the pres­i­den­cy, they refer to the term “our embassy in Benghazi” as if it’s their own, and it need to be pro­tect­ed from Obama, as with most oth­er assets of the fed­er­al bureaucracy.

Republicans are con­ver­sant with the impor­tance of optics, they are stu­pid , but not total­ly dense, so they have solicit­ed the help of a female, that female is Kelly Ayotte the junior sen­a­tor from New Hampshire. Kelly Ayotte has no for­eign affairs cre­den­tials which would make her qual­i­fied to cri­tique Susan Rice’s stel­lar record, but they believe it gives them cov­er. McCain and Graham do not want to be seen as two old white males abus­ing an African-American Woman, which in fact is what it is.

They have talked about not want­i­ng to pro­mote any­one who may have had any­thing to do with Benghazi, as a lay per­son it bog­gles the mind as to how McCain et al see them­selves com­ing out on the right side of this cha­rade, many experts and ana­lysts strug­gle to fig­ure out the rea­son for this line of attack by the right.

Many argue that repub­li­cans believe Rice has been pro­mot­ed far enough. The cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing Condoleezza Rice telling America about a poten­tial mush­room cloud was expo­nen­tial­ly worse that this drummed up witch-hunt, yet Both McCain and Graham sup­port­ed Condoleezza Rice’s nom­i­na­tion for sec­re­tary of state.

Susan Rice had noth­ing to do with Benghazi, zero, Condoleezza Rice had every­thing to do with push­ing America into a war of choice, based on what they now argue was faulty intel­li­gence, peo­ple with brains will tell you they man­u­fac­tured intel­li­gence to legit­imize that war with Iraq.

Susan Rice used the intel­li­gence giv­en to her by the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty, repub­li­cans are not attack­ing David Petraeus , they are not attack­ing Hillary Clinton who runs the state depart­ment, so we must ask what is the rea­son for the assault on Susan Rice?

Barack Obama must stop mak­ing con­ces­sions to the repub­li­can right, he gets to deter­mine who gets on his team , Republicans who go on tele­vi­sion to argue for the nom­i­na­tion of Senator Kerry are doing so out of their own self-inter­est and not out of love for John Kerry. These were the same peo­ple who swift-boat­ed Kerry the war veteran.

By def­i­n­i­tion what they are doing is telling the pres­i­dent who they want him to name to be sec­re­tary of state, if Obama let them decide they get anoth­er United State Senator , plain and simple.

On dis­play is today’s repub­li­can par­ty, it is now a sin­is­ter, duplic­i­tous, under­hand­ed and men­da­cious bunch of des­per­ate white male fright­ened that the world they knew is pass­ing them by.

This is a cyn­i­cal but bril­liant move on the part of repub­li­cans, I must say, I can­not cred­it John McCain with com­ing up with this, he is not that bright. They are using McCain to sell this fias­co to the American peo­ple because of his faux high ground on mat­ters of for­eign affairs.

Neither McCain nor any of his band of antag­o­nist defend­ed war hero John Kerry when Bush’s peo­ple pil­lo­ried that patri­ot, now all of a sud­den they are push­ing for Secretary of State John Kerry.

There is just one prob­lem with their advo­ca­cy, losers do not get to pick the cabinet.