President Embarrassed For Republicans

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

President Obama said he is embar­rased for the 47 Republican Senators and oth­ers who sent a let­ter to Iran, indi­cat­ing to that Nation that what­ev­er deal the Administration and oth­er pow­ers arrive at would pre­sum­ably be an exec­u­tive deal sub­ject to change by the next President.
The pres­i­dent made the com­ments in a trail­er for a Vice News inter­view sched­uled to run in full on Monday, accord­ing to (Politico).

I’m embar­rassed for them. For them to address a let­ter to the Ayatollah who they claim is our mor­tal ene­my, and their basic argu­ment to them is ‘don’t deal with our pres­i­dent ‘cause you can’t trust him to fol­low through on agree­ment,” Obama said in a trail­er for a Vice News inter­view sched­uled to run in full on Monday. “That’s close to unprecedented,”
Germany’s for­eign min­is­ter weighed in Thursday, say­ing that to call the let­ter unhelp­ful would be “an understatement.”
What’s even more nau­se­at­ing is that they can­not come up with a plau­si­ble expla­na­tion for their actions that would sway any­one to con­clude that their actions are any­thing but racial.
John McCain the elder state­ment of being per­pet­u­al­ly wrong and one of the sig­na­to­ry of the let­ter said.
“It was kind of a very rapid process. Everybody was look­ing for­ward to get­ting out of town because of the snow­storm, I think we prob­a­bly should have had more dis­cus­sion about it, giv­en the blow-back that there is.”

John McCain
John McCain

In oth­er words he is only con­cerned about the blow­back , and not (1)that he did not take time to con­sid­er the con­se­quences to his and his col­leagues actions, and (2) That his actions would be unprece­dent­ed and wrong but could be con­sid­ered to be bor­der­line trea­so­nous as the New York Daily News and peo­ple all across the Globe believe.
This is the same John McCain who burst into bomb, bomb bomb Iran song when he ran against Obama in 08 and the ques­tion of Iran came up.
Despite the hys­te­ria of McCain and the more rabid war­mon­gers on the right sur­round­ing Iran’s sup­posed march toward a nuclear bomb, there is no evi­dence Iran has a bomb or is active­ly seek­ing to devel­op nuclear weapons.

These were the same peo­ple who lied to the world using maps and sup­posed satel­lite imagery to con­vince many goats[sic] that Iraq pos­sessed dan­ger­ous weapons which were capa­ble of destroy­ing their Ally Israel and destroy­ing the world.
Israel is still where it was , the world is still here, and the Goats who fell for that malarkey now know that it was all a lie.

Upstart freshman Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas architect of the Iran letter
Upstart fresh­man Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas archi­tect of the Iran letter

The Logan Act a law dat­ing to 1799 pro­hibit­ing unau­tho­rized cit­i­zens from nego­ti­at­ing with for­eign gov­ern­ments dur­ing a dis­pute with the United States. The law was a response to the actions of George Logan, a physi­cian and zeal­ous Republican from Pennsylvania, who under­took a lone voy­age to Paris in an effort to nego­ti­ate an end to the Quasi-War with France. Logan had no offi­cial stand­ing or stature, and his pri­vate diplo­ma­cy stoked Federalist fears of a wide­spread plot among Republicans (as mem­bers of the Jeffersonian par­ty, also known as the Democratic-Republican par­ty, called them­selves) to sub­vert the elect­ed gov­ern­ment in Philadelphia. Ironically, Logan was nev­er pros­e­cut­ed under his name­sake fed­er­al law — quite the con­trary: He was elect­ed to the Senate in 1800.
These Senators had no Authority to nego­ti­ate with Iran, yet they will not be pros­e­cut­ed for their actions. It is impor­tant to note that this is irony full circle.
Logan was not pros­e­cut­ed , nei­ther will these 47 Republicans.
Which caus­es me to won­der why is Edward Snowden in hid­ing when these 47 are not?

Despite my dis­gust at these Republicans , I still have a prob­lem with way the President sees this.
Quote: For them to address a let­ter to the Ayatollah who they claim is our mor­tal ene­my, and their basic argu­ment to them is ‘don’t deal with our pres­i­dent ‘cause you can’t trust him to fol­low through on agreement,”
Mister President I dis­agree with you, at least on the way you per­ceive this
They are not say­ing that you can­not be trust­ed to deliv­er on what­ev­er deal you make strike with the Iranians. They are telling the Iranians that you basi­cal­ly have no author­i­ty to deliv­er on any deal they 
can­not wipe away.
Yes it is unprecedented.
Some say it is Treasonous.
No one will be pros­e­cut­ed, if a poor per­son had done any­thing remote­ly sim­i­lar to what these Senators did all of these hyp­ocrites, not just the 47 Senators who signed the let­ter, but those poten­tial­ly run­ning for the Republican nom­i­na­tion would be on tele­vi­sion call­ing for that per­son­’s head as they did Snowden.

If Democrats had done that to a sit­ting Republican pres­i­dent, repub­li­cans would ham­mer them for it for decades. There would be hear­ings and more hearings.
They are a despi­ca­ble set of hyp­ocrites who are not averse to spend­ing tens of mil­lions of tax pay­ers dol­lars to unearth noth­ing as they did with Special Prosecutor Kenneth Star dur­ing the Clinton years.
Or the non­sen­si­cal pur­suit of noth­ing as a result of the unfor­tu­nate Benghazi incident.
What con­tin­ues to be clear, is the lev­el of idio­cy and racism inher­ent in vot­ers who con­tin­ue to elect the likes of Cotton, Cruz, Rubio, Pense, Lee, etal.
It does seem that when one exam­ines the views of those elect­ed to office in the Republican par­ty, it is clear that this coun­try has not made much stride, con­trary to what the President believes.