Pray For The Police ;Letter Of The Day…

Police personnel at the Denham Town Police Station hold hands in prayer after their colleague, Constable Lynden Barrett, was shot and killed in West Kingston.
Police per­son­nel at the Denham Town Police Station hold hands in prayer after their col­league, Constable Lynden Barrett, was shot and killed in West Kingston.

Whenever we hear a siren, I tell my fam­i­ly, “Let’s pray for who­ev­er is in trou­ble,” fig­ur­ing that cov­ers any­one who has had an acci­dent, any­one whose house is on fire, any­one who is the vic­tim of a crime, or even any­one who has com­mit­ted a crime.

The oth­er day, a police car went by our van, and my moth­er said, “Let’s pray for that police offi­cer.” I was ashamed to realise that I had nev­er real­ly thought about the police offi­cers being the ones in need of prayer — but they are. When they go to answer a call, they nev­er know what they’ll be deal­ing with — some­thing small, some­thing real­ly awful and dan­ger­ous, or maybe noth­ing at all. Or it might be the last thing they do on earth. They nev­er know.

The news is full of police offi­cers who did their job wrong, and who abused their pow­er. It’s a good thing to shine a light on cor­rupt or out-of-con­trol police forces, and we should all know what our rights are as cit­i­zens. However, too many Jamaicans sim­ply don’t con­sid­er the police to be on their side, and that is an intol­er­a­ble state for our coun­try to be in.

Now, along with the awful sto­ries of cor­rup­tion and bru­tal­i­ty, we hear the occa­sion­al sto­ry about a police offi­cer going out of his or her way to per­formsome extra­or­di­nary act of gen­eros­i­ty or ser­vice, and that, too, is a good thing to shine a light on. But even these sto­ries — the acts of extreme kind­ness or brav­ery — don’t pro­vide the full pic­ture of a typ­i­cal day in the life of a first-respon­der. What’s com­mon­place, and which goes large­ly unno­ticed by most of soci­ety, is that thou­sands of police offi­cers do every­thing right every time. Everyday, they take care of the sit­u­a­tion, help some­one out, and make the com­mu­ni­ty safer. These typ­i­cal days, of course, don’t make the news — but they are occa­sions of poten­tial dan­ger every sin­gle time. The police need our prayers as much as the peo­ple they are there to serve.

And what about the bad apples? They need prayer, too. Every siren should be a reminder that some­one is in trou­ble — a vic­tim, a per­pe­tra­tor, an offi­cer who is ready to do the right thing, and an offi­cer who is in dan­ger of doing the wrong thing. So next time you hear a siren, say a Hail Mary for those who are Catholics Christians or a quick “Jesus, please be with who­ev­er needs your help” — and remem­ber that that includes the chil­dren of God who are in uniform.


Seminarian for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica.
Story emanat­ed here: Letter Of The Day: Pray For The Police