Power Hungry Terrence Williams Wants More Power To Carry Out Carolyn Gomes Dictates:

When groups of armed men, some­times scores, and in uncon­firmed cas­es hun­dreds, can amass toward a com­mon cause, as was the case in Tivoli Gardens in 2010, or in Gravel Heights and many oth­er instances, in Saint Catherine, St. James, Clarendon, and oth­er Parishes, do you still believe it’s just crime?

Do you still say “Jamaica nice” or does Jamaica have seri­ous prob­lems which needs address­ing now and with all seriousness?
What is to stop them from tak­ing out whomev­er they chose to?
Ask your­selves these ques­tions, even as you crit­i­cize us for air­ing the dirty laun­dry in public!!!
Who is safe, is the Prime Minister real­ly safe? Is any­one safe?
If these Mercenaries real­ly want to get some­one what’s to stop them?
It took a mass build-up of troops and police and help from the United States to dis­lodge Coke.

Burnt out homes:(cour­tesy­ja­maicaob­serv­er)
So ask your­selves this, if these heav­i­ly armed demons wants to do any­thing what’s to stop them?
You may dis­lodge them later.
But the dam­age will have already be done.
This is seri­ous busi­ness, we all must put pres­sure on the Administration in pow­er in Jamaica to take steps right away to remove this exis­ten­tial threat from the coun­try immediately.

Leroy Robinson mur­dered try­ing to save his neigh­bor after ter­ror­ists set her house on fire:
This is not pol­i­tics, it’s real­i­ty, your atten­tion to this will speak vol­umes, it’s not about jokes and bull, this is seri­ous, peo­ple are dying , young girls are being raped and forced into pros­ti­tu­tion, homes are being torched, some­times sev­er­al at a time.
We sim­ply can­not pre­tend any longer.

While these acts of domes­tic ter­ror­ism are hap­pen­ing the state charged sev­er­al police­men with mur­der on the demand of Carolyn Gomes of Jamaicans for Justice, (JFJ) local crim­i­nal rights lobby.

The case against the police offi­cers as out­lined in the Gleaners Story, may have bor­dered on reck­less­ness, but mur­der? It is alleged that a rob­bery occurred in Portmore Saint Catherine and the rob­bers were tailed to a Kingston loca­tion where they were engaged by police and a young woman was killed and sev­er­al oth­er peo­ple injured.

There is no indi­ca­tion whose bul­let hit who , of course Carolyn Gomes has demand­ed the offi­cers be charged with Murder. Terrence Williams INDECOM boss, drunk with pow­er and demand­ing more pow­er, obvi­ous­ly hot under the col­lar that the cops were not charged imme­di­ate­ly after he sub­mit­ted the file to the DPP, just this week went to the media demand­ing more pow­ers so he may pros­e­cute police officers.

Acquiescing to the howls for blood, the DPP has charged the offi­cers with mur­der, I am not ful­ly con­ver­sant with the facts of the case so I will with­hold com­ments on the case itself. Sufficing to say, there is law in Jamaica that gives the DPP the pow­er to charge a police offi­cer with a crime, in order to quell pub­lic dis­qui­et, even though there may not be evi­dence to sup­port the charge.

Many police offi­cers do not know this, yet when offi­cers are exon­er­at­ed peo­ple scream cov­er-up, because they do not know there was no evi­dence to begin with. Yet cops spend all their income, are ruined finan­cial­ly, and car­rear-wise, for doing what they were sworn to do.

Murder is a the unlaw­ful killing of a human being by anoth­er human being with mal­ice aforethought.

I am won­der­ing how they charged mur­der, where is the mal­ice, implied or expressed in this case? I will be watch­ing , you should too.