Portia Quick On Athletes Bandwagon But Mute On Murder Of Police Officers.…..

U.S. President Barack Obama (L) smiles during remarks by Jamaica's Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller after their meeting at Jamaica House in Kingston April 9, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
U.S. President Barack Obama (L) smiles dur­ing remarks by Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller after their meet­ing at Jamaica House in Kingston on April 9, 2015. REUTERS/​Jonathan Ernst

On Bolt win­ning the 100 meters race.

I salute Usain as a nation­al brand ambas­sador extra­or­di­naire, not only for tak­ing the best of Jamaica to the world but also for his superb rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the best of ath­let­ics and sports in gen­er­al,” Prime min­is­ter Portia Simpson Miller said in a state­ment, adding that Bolt con­tin­ues to inspire Jamaica and the world with his leg­endary per­for­mance on the track.

On the Reggae Boyz sec­ond-place fin­ish in the CONCACAF Gold Cup final

I con­grat­u­late all mem­bers of the team and coach­ing staff under the lead­er­ship of head coach Winfried Schaefer for the strong sec­ond-place fin­ish and an over­all sol­id and encour­ag­ing per­for­mance through­out the tournament,”
Despite the team los­ing to Mexico 3 – 1, the prime min­is­ter said that the Reggae Boyz “demon­strat­ed dis­ci­pline, deter­mi­na­tion, and a strong spir­it through­out.” “Well done. The peo­ple and Government of Jamaica are proud of you,” Simpson Miller said.

Constable Crystal Thomas murdered on a bus as she heads home from work.. Not a single word from Portia Simpson Miller..
Constable Crystal Thomas was mur­dered on a bus as she head­ed home from work…
Not a sin­gle word from Portia Simpson Miller…

Constable Lyndon Barrett.. We still do not know how this young officer lost his life and the Police high command doesn't seem to understand his family deserves answers. Not a single comment from Portia Simpson Miller.
Constable Lyndon Barrett. We still do not know how this young offi­cer lost his life, and the Police high com­mand does­n’t seem to under­stand his fam­i­ly deserves answers.
Not a sin­gle com­ment from Portia Simpson Miller

Constable Curtis Lewis Of the Westmoreland Division mowed down by a motorcyclist who ignored his command to stop . The motorcyclist accelerated hitting Constable Lewis severing his leg from his body . Constable Lewis died in Hospital. Rest in Peace Constable Lewis.. No comment from Simpson Miller.
Constable Curtis Lewis Of the Westmoreland Division was mowed down by a motor­cy­clist who ignored his com­mand to stop. The motor­cy­clist accel­er­at­ed, hit­ting Constable Lewis, sev­er­ing his leg from his body. Constable Lewis died in Hospital.
Rest in Peace, Constable Lewis…
No com­ment from Simpson Miller.

Police corporal Tyrone Thompson... Died from supposed suicide.. To date the Police has not said definitively what the actual cause of death is. From another photograph of Corporal Thompson's dead body many officers past and present theorized that he was murdered... The family still do not know how their loved one lost his life... No comment from Simpson Miller..
Police cor­po­ral Tyrone Thompson…
Died from sup­posed sui­cide…
To date, the Police have not defin­i­tive­ly said the actu­al cause of death. From anoth­er pho­to­graph of Corporal Thompson’s dead body, many offi­cers past and present the­o­rized that he was mur­dered…
The fam­i­ly still does not know how their loved one lost his life…
No com­ment from Simpson Miller…

Additionally, every day an aver­age of 3.2 Jamaicans are slaugh­tered by maraud­ing gun­men who kill men, women, and children.
No one is spared; the word out of Jamaica House.….….….….….….….….….….….….…
We will con­tin­ue with this Article as we await word from the Nation’s high­est elect­ed office.

The lead­er­ship qual­i­ty in Jamaica is not a reflec­tion of the leader alone, as we some­times allow our­selves to believe. Conversely, it is more direct­ly a reflec­tion of the qual­i­ty of the peo­ple. We know we are under when we low­er the bar so low that the bot­tom of the bar­rel becomes a high place.
Jamaicans long gave up the right to dis­ci­plined, intel­li­gent lead­er­ship. For decades Jamaican vot­ers allowed them­selves to be herd­ed into zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions where they have been made to do the bid­ding of both polit­i­cal parties.
This result­ed in a sit­u­a­tion where the peo­ple became the ser­vants of the polit­i­cal par­ties rather than the Parties serv­ing the peo­ple. Over the years, both polit­i­cal par­ties have played that game, and today the Governing par­ty has mas­tered the art of manip­u­lat­ing the people.
Unfortunately, most of the vot­ers who sup­port the polit­i­cal par­ties are bliss­ful­ly igno­rant that they deserve bet­ter, not bet­ter, in the sense of hand­outs. But bet­ter ser­vices., Better rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Better Infrastructure. Better Leadership.Better Education and Health. Better sourc­ing of mar­kets for their pro­duce. Better in terms of bring­ing man­u­fac­tur­ing back to the Island. Better in erad­i­cat­ing the demon­ic crim­i­nals who use the coun­try as a haven. Better in terms of how chil­dren are protected.

Today, due to the poor lead­er­ship qual­i­ty the peo­ple accept­ed, Jamaica con­tin­ues as a shell of what it used to be. She sits at the bot­tom of the bar­rel in employ­ment — top of the list for mur­ders, seri­ous felonies, and the abuse of chil­dren. Near the top in Poverty and mis­ery. Moral val­ues, once a hall­mark of almost every Jamaican fam­i­ly now a dirty term.
I just hap­pened to see a video on social media yes­ter­day; it was of two women in a dance hall naked as they were born. I won­dered, ” How in Heaven’s name did we get here”?
Those who exploit the peo­ple for their own polit­i­cal gains may be half-baked idiots, but they know enough to latch onto the win­ners’ suc­cess­es even though they played no part in their development.
It is not dif­fi­cult to under­stand why the Prime Minister is mute on the con­tin­ued killings and assaults on hun­dreds and hun­dreds of Jamaicans but vocif­er­ous­ly latch­es onto the suc­cess­es of the Nation’s athletes.
Jamaican Politicians have always been par­a­sites; why should they stop now?