Portia Among 100 Most Influential ‚they Still Take Us For Fools

Bruce Golding
Bruce Golding

Orette Bruce Golding became Jamaica’s 8th Prime Minister on the 11th of Sept 2007, like most Jamaican politi­cians Golding was less than per­fect. Golding was a sec­ond Generation politi­cian , being the son of  Tacius Golding, who served as a mem­ber of par­lia­ment, and Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Golding spent less than a full term in office, he resigned in 2001 after the fall­out over the extra­di­tion of Christopher (Dudus Coke. Among the things Golding pushed for as Prime Minister was that Jamaica break ties with the British Monarchy and become a Republic. Golding reit­er­at­ed this call in a bud­get debate in 2011 , say­ing quote.“Transforming Jamaica from a monar­chi­cal to a repub­li­can state means no dis­re­spect, and must not be inter­pret­ed this way”.

May 2008 Golding told  Stephen Sackur of the BBC, that any cab­i­net formed by him would exclude any MP known to be gay. In pre­vi­ous state­ments, Golding has stat­ed that he and his par­ty strong­ly opposed pub­lic dis­plays of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in Jamaica and that he felt that they should con­tin­ue to be ille­gal in keep­ing with Jamaican soci­etal norms.

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August 2009 The United States Government demand the extra­di­tion of Christopher Dudus Coke to the United States. Prime Minister Bruce Golding whose Constituency of West Kingston also dou­bles as the epic cen­ter of Coke’s Empire had a deci­sion to make.

If Golding resist­ed attempts to extra­dite Coke, he faced the wrath of a mas­sive American back­lash. If he acqui­esced to America’s demands he faced mas­sive resis­tance in his own con­stituen­cy and pos­si­bly a Nationwide insur­rec­tion which would mean the end of his tenure as Prime Minister.

Time-100-most-influentialFaced with those real­i­ties Golding decid­ed to delay the extra­di­tion process while he sought back chan­nel solu­tions to his dilem­ma. Back chan­nel approach­es are prac­ticed by every Government , includ­ing the pow­er­ful United States. That back chan­nel was engag­ing the ser­vices of Washington Law Firm Mannat Phelps and Phillips to lob­by the US State Department on Golding’s behalf. This did noth­ing to alle­vi­ate Washington’s pres­sure on Golding. Word leaked out about the lob­by­ing efforts, Golding was forced to take a more stri­dent stance against America’s demands, declar­ing that Jamaican pol­i­cy was not for­mu­lat­ed in Ligunea.

Ligunea being the St Andrew home based of the US Embassy.

Portia Simpson Miller
Portia Simpson Miller

Under heavy pres­sure from Washington, May 21 Bruce Golding capit­u­lat­ed to America’s demands and autho­rized the extra­di­tion of Christopher Coke. All hell broke loose. The events which fol­lowed , led to the deaths of over 73 Jamaicans . Christopher Coke is present­ly sit­ting in an American Federal Prison.

Golding had no option but to resign. Who could have leaked the infor­ma­tion about the reten­tion of Mannat Phelps and Phillips? Lawyers have a duty to pro­tect the pri­va­cy of their clients. The Arm twist­ing to leak the infor­ma­tion must have come from high above which forced Mannat to yield.

Just pri­or to National Elections sched­uled for December 2011 ‚Portia Simpson Miller, Opposition leader, in a tele­vised debate said quote :

No-one should be dis­crim­i­nat­ed against because of their sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion. I think we should have a look at the bug­gery law and mem­bers of par­lia­ment should be giv­en the right to vote with their con­science, in con­sul­ta­tion with their con­stituents. I do not have any inten­tion of pry­ing into the pri­vate busi­ness of any­one, I would appoint any­one with the abil­i­ty, the capac­i­ty and the capa­bil­i­ty in my cabinet.”

On December 29th 2011 Portia Simpson Miller became Prime Minister elect beat­ing Andrew Holness in a land­slide which sur­prised even the Party Portia heads.