Pope Francis Demotes Anti-gay Bishop


The high­est-rank­ing American at the Vatican was demot­ed this week­end, after weeks of vocal­ly crit­i­ciz­ing Pope Francis’ lib­er­al lead­er­ship of the Catholic Church. In an unprece­dent­ed move for the Vatican, Cardinal Raymond Burke was tak­en off the church’s high­est court to become the chap­lain of the Knights of Malta, a Vatican char­i­ty group, after vocal­ly oppos­ing the church’s recent pro­gres­sive moves. His new posi­tion holds almost no respon­si­bil­i­ties. Though out of the ordi­nary, the deci­sion keeps with Francis’ recent moves to make the church more inclu­sive, but it also sig­nals that, while the pope may be more lib­er­al, the rest of the church may not be. In par­tic­u­lar, the church has seem­ing­ly adopt­ed a more accept­ing stance toward the gay com­mu­ni­ty. Francis famous­ly said “who am I to judge?” about gay peo­ple, and, last month, the church’s annu­al meet­ing pro­duced a doc­u­ment ask­ing church lead­ers to dis­cuss whether they were ready to be more wel­com­ing towards divorced Catholics and gay people.

Burke, 66, did not fit in with the lib­er­al-lean­ing trend. He was a leader in the con­ser­v­a­tive move­ment with­in the church and has fought against any lib­er­al inter­pre­ta­tion of Catholicism, par­tic­u­lar­ly with regards to homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. (“Always and every­where wrong [and] evil,” he said.) “The pope is not free to change the church’s teach­ings with regard to the immoral­i­ty of homo­sex­u­al acts or the insol­u­bil­i­ty of mar­riage or any oth­er doc­trine of the faith,” Burke told Buzzfeed last month.

Francis’ lat­est deci­sion comes on the heels of a hand­ful of oth­ers in which he pushed Catholics to mit­i­gate the effects of cli­mate change and redis­trib­ute wealthhttp://​www​.msnbc​.com/​m​s​n​b​c​/​p​o​p​e​-​f​r​a​n​c​i​s​-​d​e​m​o​t​e​s​-​a​n​t​i​-​g​a​y​-​b​i​s​hop