Popcaan”(video) Eerily Reminiscent Of What Police And Innocent Civilians Face At The Hands Of Imbeciles Like These

There is much back and forth regard­ing a video in which a Jamaican so-called disc jock­ey who goes by the moniker “POPCAAN” is seen fir­ing two weapons.
On the one hand, he fires a weapon which appears to be an AR15 then sim­ply drops the weapon on the ground and pulls a semi-auto­mat­ic weapon from his waist­band and com­mences to fire the weapon as he jumps around like a pre­vi­ous­ly caged mon­key hap­py to be free from bondage.

In a state­ment, Popcaan’s man­age­ment team said they want­ed to assure fans that the “gun-shoot­ing exer­cise took place in a super­vised and safe set­ting, an offi­cial shoot­ing range, a spe­cial­ized facil­i­ty designed for firearms qual­i­fi­ca­tions, train­ing, or prac­tice”. According to the dee­jay’s han­dlers, he was at the Lower Trent Valley Fish and Game Club, in Ontario, Canada where the enter­tain­er had been on tour at the time.

Whether the shoot­ing occurred in Canada or Cassava piece what we wit­nessed was a lunatic care­less mis­use of weapon­ry the mani­ac had no busi­ness handling.
The moron­ic dis­play regard­less of where he was, was a case study in how nev­er to han­dle dan­ger­ous weapons and why those dan­ger­ous weapons should be kept out of the hands of imbeciles.

The way in which he dis­card­ed the auto­mat­ic weapon after use and the mind­less dis­charge of the hand­gun is eeri­ly rem­i­nis­cent of what Jamaican police offi­cers and inno­cent civil­ians face at the hands of these moron­ic cretins.
As for the argu­ments that this was done in a super­vised set­ting„ that gib­ber­ish makes a mock­ery of any sane per­son­’s under­stand­ing of what con­sti­tutes a safe and super­vised setting.

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