Ponder This As You Await The Verdict.

As America awaits the ver­dict from an almost all white female jury in Sanford Florida, I took a minute to pon­der some of the infor­ma­tion in the pub­lic domain. I do not have all the evi­dence in front of me, yet I believe there are some ques­tions which I believe are still not answered.

Does a Jury of 5 white women out of 6 women rep­re­sent the inter­est of Trayvon Martin?

How come we did not hear about injuries to George Zimmerman even when his team was alleg­ing “stand your ground”, before they real­ized that defense would not work.download (14)

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Who took these pic­tures, and why?

Was Zimmerman in a police car?

Was he handcuffed?

Whether he was cuffed or not, what was the rea­son for tak­ing these photographs?

Why was the pub­lic fed the nar­ra­tive that George Zimmerman was in a life and death strug­gle with Trayvon Martin, when the phone call Trayvon Martin had with Rachel Jantel did not sup­port that narrative?

Mark Omara claimed there was a 4 minute lapse in the time­line in which Trayvon Martin could have gone home , why did his client the men­ac­ing stalk­er with a gun, not go home.

If I was hid­ing from a creepy crack­er, why would I lead that creepy crack­er to my home?

If Trayvon Martin was on top, of the more than 50 pounds heav­ier George Zimmerman, in a strad­dle-hold in wet grass, how come there is no known green col­or­ing of the knees of Trayvon Martin’s pants. It would require con­sid­er­able pres­sure of the knee-area which invari­ably would lead to con­sid­er­able grass stain­ing of that area of Martin’s pants, irre­spec­tive of the type or col­or of his pants.

From a prac­ti­cal per­spec­tive, it is very dif­fi­cult to stay on top of any­one in a strug­gle, and cer­tain­ly much more dif­fi­cult, if the per­son on the bot­tom is heav­ier that the per­son on top. That would neces­si­tate the per­son on top hav­ing to adopt a much low­er cen­ter of grav­i­ty, essen­tial­ly firm­ly pressed against the per­son on the bot­tom , with the per­son on top face hav­ing to be almost pressed against the face or neck of the per­son on the bottom.

If my hypoth­e­sis is correct,it would make it lit­er­al­ly impos­si­ble for the per­son on top,in this case (Trayvon Martin) as alleged to, 1) main­tain that top posi­tion as a result of his less­er weight, and 2) lit­er­al­ly impos­si­ble for him to see the weapon which from Zimmerman’s own admis­sion was in a hol­ster in the back of his pants. It would also make it impos­si­ble for him to pull the weapon if the sce­nario he and his lawyers laid out as facts are correct.

It would be lit­er­al­ly impos­si­ble for a strug­gle of that nature and mag­ni­tude, to occur with­out DNA evi­dence under the fin­ger-nails of the vic­tim Trayvon Martin. Even if this high­ly improb­a­ble was to occur, there would have been evi­dence of con­tact, evi­dent of of a strug­gle, scratch­es, as would occur in most cas­es of a sex­u­al assault.

Mark Omara took a chunk of con­crete into court alleg­ing that that was a weapon , giv­ing the impres­sion that Trayvon Martin had a weapon which jus­ti­fied his death, anoth­er false-hood.

If Zimmerman act­ed in good faith and was inno­cent of mal­ice who post­ed these pic­tures, and why?

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I’ll tell you why, it is for the same rea­son that Zimmerman and his lawyer Mark Omara found them­selves on the tele­vi­sion show of one of the most despi­ca­ble racial cretins in America, Sean Hannity, where he declared arro­gant­ly he would have done noth­ing dif­fer­ent­ly, because the killing of 17 year old Trayvon Martin was quote “God’s will”.

It is for the very rea­son why he is able to mount this very expen­sive defense. A defense which seem­ing­ly has unlim­it­ed resources to pay expert wit­ness­es to tes­ti­fy to the verac­i­ty of their lies. There are peo­ple putting large sums of mon­ey into defend­ing him and fund­ing his fam­i­ly. It is for the very rea­son, there are so-called expert wit­ness­es ‚(white women ) lawyers who are adamant­ly mak­ing the case that Zimmerman legit­i­mate­ly killed 17 year old Trayvon Martin.

So, how did we get to this? Zimmerman is not exact­ly a blond, blue-eyed Caucasian male, is he? He does­n’t have to be, there is enough inher­ent hatred in America for black peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly on the right. It does not mat­ter how right Trayvon Martin was, or how mur­der­ous George Zimmerman is, lit­er­al­ly half of this coun­try does not care, it’s all about race.

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This fraud­u­lent char­ac­ter­i­za­tion was designed to depict 17 year-old Trayvon Martin as a fear­some black mon­ster , a fear­some thug, while vis­cer­al­ly depict­ing The mur­der­er George Zimmerman as an all American suit-and-tie good guy. Many peo­ple believe these are sub­lim­i­nal mes­sag­ing. There is noth­ing sub­lim­i­nal here, these are overt racial stereotypes.

Why was the lead inves­ti­ga­tor Detective Chris Serino,the ini­tial inves­ti­ga­tor over-ruled when he thought Zimmerman should be charged with manslaugh­ter? Why is he back on reg­u­lar patrol duties?

Whether we want to face the truth or not it does not change facts, America is still an incred­i­bly racist coun­try. There are peo­ple with a lot of hatred in their hearts, at the heart of what killed Trayvon Martin, is that deep-seat­ed ani­mus many whites have for black people.