Politicians Creating Divisions Between JCF And JDF For Political Reasons.…

The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and the Jamaica Defense Force JDF has worked side by side for decades. Together both of these Institutions of Government have giv­en blood sweat and tears to nation-build­ing.
In the fight to secure the Nation as it relates to pro­tect­ing Jamaica’s expan­sive unpro­tect­ed shore­line, both the (JCF’S)Marine Patrols and the(JDF’s) Coast guard have logged innu­mer­able amounts of hours while the nation sleeps.
Despite their efforts, because of the expanse of unpro­tect­ed shore­line and the lack of resources, guns and drugs con­tin­ue to flood the Island from Haiti and Latin America.

In the inte­ri­or of the coun­try, the (JDF) has assist­ed the (JCF) with logis­ti­cal as well as numer­i­cal sup­port, par­tic­u­lar­ly when the need aris­es for declar­ing the State of Emergency, or when the Nation faces an exis­ten­tial threat, like the one faced in 2010 with the Tivoli Gardens annex­a­tion to the Jamaican state.
I can per­son­al­ly attest to the rela­tion­ships forged on a per­son­al lev­el with mem­bers of the Military as a young con­sta­ble sta­tioned at the Mobile Reserve.
We did Rat-Patrols, rap­peled from JDF Helicopters in the moun­tains of Montpelier to destroy Ganga fields, staked out ille­gal airstrips and much more.
On all of those assign­ments, whether it was one police offi­cer and a bunch of sol­diers or sev­er­al police offi­cers and even more sol­diers, we were a brotherhood.

Having laid out the way the two Organizations are inex­tri­ca­bly linked, I want to reg­is­ter my dis­gust at the idea that any­one, much less some­one with direct con­trol over the nation­al secu­ri­ty appa­ra­tus would expand or exploit any fis­sure or crack (even per­cep­tion wise)which may exist between the two, for polit­i­cal or more omi­nous pur­pos­es.
And so today I want to talk about an age-old per­cep­tion with­in the pop­u­la­tion that sol­diers are more trust­wor­thy, less cor­rupt.
In doing so I wish to offer a bit of per­spec­tive in this con­tin­ued assault on the (JCF) by cer­tain peo­ple at the top of this Administration.
At the same time, I wish to once again explain that sol­diers fight wars and are seen as heroes. Even though mem­bers of the (JDF) nev­er have to go to war, the Military does not go out to haul crim­i­nals off to jail, and so sol­diers are not viewed the same way that police offi­cers are.
In a coun­try like Jamaica which is deemed to be 84% cor­rupt, the flir­ta­tious love affair which exists between the mil­i­tary and the pop­u­lace is quite under­stand­able. Arguably more con­se­quen­tial is the issue of crimes and acts of cor­rup­tion among mem­bers of the (JDF), these are gen­er­al­ly kept out of the pub­lic eye and are dealt with by the mil­i­tary, quite unlike inci­dents which involve the police which is plas­tered in pub­lic spaces for all to see.

Rather than inject much more of my own thoughts about cor­rup­tion with­in the JDF I will co-opt the words of some past mem­bers of both the (JCF) and (JDF) who like myself are nau­se­at­ed at the idea that there are moves afoot to dis­re­spect the (JCF) while extolling false virtues assigned to the (JDF).
None of this should be a thing but when mem­bers of the (JCF) are pushed aside and replaced with heads of the (JDF) to head the force under the guise that the police are too taint­ed and the mil­i­tary trust­wor­thy we are forced to speak out.
When the ZOSO in St James was basi­cal­ly sold as a JDF oper­a­tion with the (JCF) In a sup­port role we are forced to speak out.
When there is a hot­line to the (JDF) because of a sup­posed lack of trust for the police, even as the police hot­lines are con­fi­den­tial we call bull­shit.
When the Commissioner of Police, a usurp­er from the (JDF) brings over his dri­ver to the (JCF) sup­pos­ed­ly because he has spe­cial skills or the com­mis­sion­er do not trust the police and have him pro­mot­ed to Assistant Superintendent of Police, we call them out as cor­rupt.
When the Commissioner of police pur­port not to trust the men and women under his com­mand, he is in the wrong job as my friend said.

So here are a few of the com­ments on this issue, I’ll let them tell it.

Corruption and crim­i­nal­i­ty come from our soci­ety.
I being an ex-sol­dier knows that there is a lot of sol­diers back in my time being incar­cer­at­ed for var­i­ous crim­i­nal activ­i­ties. Guns have gone miss­ing in camp and from New Castle with­out the pub­lic’s knowl­edge. Soldiers and ex-sol­diers have been impli­cat­ed in train­ing crim­i­nal gun­men. Reporters can’t go into camp and get that infor­ma­tion but police high­light every case in which they arrest the police or ex-police offi­cer. Every orga­ni­za­tion has crim­i­nals and cor­rup­tion in it. Soldier shoots girl­friend, girl­friend fam­i­ly, Soldiers shoots girl­friend, sol­dier robs bread van in cross roads.
You hard­ly hear much about the end because they are not all over the Island like the cops. Soldiers col­lect mon­ey from gan­ja-farm­ers in West, allow­ing them to reap their crops then burn a small por­tion.
Soldier drowns their senior ranks at sea, as boat load of gan­ja gone miss­ing.
Let us deploy these sol­diers at every police sta­tion and give them the pow­ers of arrest and also a tick­et book then we can talk about the squeaky clean­ers of the army.
Most Jamaicans are always and will for­ev­er be stu­pid. It is like a dieheart­ed polit­i­cal lack­ey, their par­ty is always the best regard­less of all the malfeances and atroc­i­ties they commit.

There was a time back when sol­diers based at Vernamfield Clarendon, actu­al­ly every week they arranged for and cause gan­ja planes to land on the strips and col­lect gan­ja, think­ing now are paragons of virtue?

The first RPG (Rocket Propel Grenade launch­er) recov­ered in Jamaica was in 1997 and was recov­ered by the police in Kingston 11 in pos­ses­sion of a sol­dier at top jun­gle or tank, Kingston 12.
The importer of this weapon was the nephew of Member of Parliament, and he was­n’t arrest­ed and charged for the shoul­der held weapon.
The man fled to anoth­er juris­dic­tion and the sol­dier was on bail, and he fled the country.

In 1999 a for­mer mem­ber of the Jamaican Defense Force who was a mem­ber of the Jamaican Constabulary Force and sta­tioned at Half-Way-Tree Police Station (name with­held) gave his police uni­form to a Canadian fugi­tive who was able to escape from the Kingston Public Hospital under police guard.
The fugi­tive was a white man, and the police offi­cer was half white. The fugi­tive was held a few weeks lat­er in Rose Town, Kingston 11 liv­ing with the for­mer sol­diers fam­i­ly mem­bers.
He was allowed to resign because they did not want to embar­rass the army because there were red flags dur­ing his antecedent inves­ti­ga­tions, but he got help from with­in the organization.

There were two (2) Trailer loads of guns and ammu­ni­tion found near a high rise build­ings down­town Kingston (near the Coronation Market). Those Containers were tak­en to JDF-HQ where they went miss­ing. You who are talk­ing about Soldiers hon­esty, please do some research and let us know your findings.

There was a Soldier name, Kenamar Johnson, who usu­al­ly trained gun­men in web lane, Clarendon to use, Ak and m16. He was a Sniper for the JDF and a hit man for the Web Lane Gang. He was even­tu­al­ly killed by Police in Clarendon, after he was dis­missed from the army.

Why Soldiers are more liked than police 🤔, first thing comes to mind (pow­ers of arrest), when you serve as an occu­py­ing force and have the pow­ers of arrest, I can tell you that peo­ple don’t like you as much…

So there, I believe there ought to be an account­ing by both the (JDF) and def­i­nite­ly the (JCF), of all mem­bers of the mil­i­tary who have been arrest­ed and charged with a crime and appro­pri­ate case dis­po­si­tions done involv­ing each case.
Just like the inci­dents of police cor­rup­tion are always right­ly in the open.
One of the things which I have sug­gest­ed the (JCF) can be bet­ter at, despite the lack of resources and sup­port from Government, is to do an over­all bet­ter job on its own.
These are some of the areas in which the Agency can col­lect this data and archive it, so that the Agency can use the data to debunk the lies and dis­re­spect com­ing from the two crim­i­nal gangs which run the coun­try, as well as to for­mu­late strate­gies.
Members of the (JCF) at all lev­els, have done tremen­dous harm to the Agency, for that there is no excuse.
The crimes attrib­uted to mem­bers are inex­plic­a­ble and inde­fen­si­ble.
The cor­rup­tion in the (JCF) is nev­er­the­less a func­tion of a wider soci­etal decay and lack of moral­i­ty which has its’ gen­e­sis at the high­est lev­els of Governmental Administrations.
Before the Politicians exploit for their own pur­pos­es, the dif­fer­ences between the two orga­ni­za­tions, it is impor­tant that they look in the mir­ror and first pluck the beam from their own eyes, then remove the cor­rupt crim­i­nals who are among them right there in the People’s house.
When there is moral lead­er­ship from the top the peo­ple have no choice but to fall in line.

2 thoughts on “Politicians Creating Divisions Between JCF And JDF For Political Reasons.…

  1. The cor­rup­tion in the JCF is nev­er­the­less a func­tion of wider soci­etal decay and lack of moral­i­ty” so isn’t this the same with the JDF or they from a dif­fer­ent planet?

    • Of course it is.
      The point is that we can­not sin­gle out one agency for ridicule while ele­vat­ing anoth­er on a false premis!!!

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