Politicians Created This Violence, They Should Have No Security Detail.…

I had no idea that the Government had embarked on a process of cut­ting and in some cas­es elim­i­nat­ing secu­ri­ty detail for past min­is­ters of Government.
In fact, to be hon­est, I had total­ly for­got­ten that a strug­gling Jamaica, a poor devel­op­ing coun­try, was engaged in the prac­tice of giv­ing secu­ri­ty detail to past min­is­ters. All this while the poor cit­i­zens of the coun­try, not so lucky or rich enough to live behind high walls are left to the mer­cy of the crim­i­nals those very same politi­cians cre­at­ed.
Now that the issue is once again front and cen­ter I do recall a for­mer min­is­ter of National Security Dwight Nelson(now deceased) com­plain­ing, that the then PNP admin­is­tra­tion had pulled his secu­ri­ty detail at one point.


“It is par­tic­u­lar­ly trou­bling that while we are expe­ri­enc­ing vicious attacks on our elect­ed or for­mer elect­ed offi­cials, and height­ened the lev­el of threats, the gov­ern­ment has pro­posed to with­draw or min­i­mize the secu­ri­ty details of the for­mer min­is­ters of gov­ern­ment,” PNP General Secretary Julian Robinson said in a media release

Image result for the pnp julian robinson
Julian Robinson

Robinson was speak­ing to the killing of Dr. Lynvale Bloomfield, a mem­ber of par­lia­ment for East Portland, who was mur­dered over a week ago at his home, as well as the recent killing of for­mer coun­cilor for the White Horses Division in St Thomas, Madge Morris.
Also address­ing the issue of the two killings, which direct­ly impact­ed the PNP, oppo­si­tion leader Peter Phillips said “It is par­tic­u­lar­ly shock­ing as the par­ty con­tin­ues in mourn­ing over the trag­ic death of our [com­rade] and col­league, Dr. Lynvale Bloomfield, a mem­ber of par­lia­ment for East Portland, who was mur­dered over a week ago at his home.” 

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Peter Phillips Opposition Leader in par­lia­ment and (role mod­el to the nation’s children)

Can I say just how stu­pid and total­ly 1970’s the con­tin­ued use of the term [“Comrade”] is in 2019?
That they con­tin­ue to Harken to and refuse to let go of a term used by failed Communists and reac­tionary social­ists in ref­er­ence to each oth­er, speaks vol­umes about where the PNP con­tin­ues to be.
Communism and the brand of Socialism to which the PNP sub­scribers have been an abject fail­ure with no rep­re­sen­ta­tive suc­cess sto­ry to which the PNP can point to for validation.

Now to the grip­ing about secu­ri­ty details.
To begin with, there should be zero police pro­tec­tion afford­ed any past politi­cians in Jamaica (of either par­ty).
If I had my way there would be none afford­ed even serv­ing min­is­ters of gov­ern­ment.
My rea­son­ing behind that posi­tion is sim­ple. Jamaica’s politi­cians are a bunch of ego­tis­ti­cal losers.
They cre­at­ed the envi­ron­ment of divi­sion and envy. They cre­at­ed the gar­risons which became incu­ba­tors of crim­i­nal­i­ty.
They cre­at­ed the ani­mos­i­ty between the police and the cit­i­zens by using the JCF as a scape­goat dis­trac­tion for their fail­ures to take the appro­pri­ate steps to secure the coun­try.
They con­tin­ue to main­tain con­tact with crim­i­nals who secure their elec­tions in those zones of polit­i­cal exclu­sions.
Jamaica is a small devel­op­ing coun­try which can ill afford the extrav­a­gance of secu­ri­ty for past failed politi­cians.
Let them be exposed to the stench of the morass they created.

I don’t want to hear a sin­gle word of bitch­ing about politi­cians killed. No life is more impor­tant than anoth­er, it is time that Jamaica’s half baked idi­ot­ic politi­cians learn this les­son.
Actions have con­se­quences.
The atmos­phere of envy, mis­trust, divi­sion, and law­less­ness cre­at­ed by the two polit­i­cal gangs which pass­es for polit­i­cal par­ties is now pro­duc­ing the whirl­wind which is threat­en­ing to engulf them all.
It is about time and none too soon.