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What mes­sage is being sent to the pub­lic, when a police force of just under 10.000 is con­stant­ly forced to issue warn­ings to it’s mem­bers, that crim­i­nals are out to kill them?
law abid­ing cit­i­zens can­not feel safe, if the peo­ple entrust­ed with their safe­ty is pre­oc­cu­pied with pro­tect­ing their own damn lives.
Last night I had a con­ver­sa­tion with a dear friend who is a serv­ing Superintendent of police in the Jamaica Constabulary Force, he tells me that the police force of yester-year is no more, he boast­ed that the force’s upper-ech­e­lon are all hold­ers of either one or two degrees. Great I though, the next morn­ing the Jamaica observ­er bore out my friend’s asser­tion,http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​J​a​m​a​i​c​a​n​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​n​o​w​-​s​e​e​n​-​a​s​-​l​e​s​s​-​c​o​r​r​u​p​t​_​1​4​6​6​3​975

I have argued for years as a mat­ter of his­tor­i­cal record that the police force is the only enti­ty in Jamaica that seeks to fix itself. As per Transparency International the polit­i­cal direc­torate is get­ting even more cor­rupt. No agency is spared , that includes the judi­cia­ry. I gen­er­al­ly do not attach to any cred­i­bil­i­ty to opin­ions or analy­sis for­eign groups have to about my coun­try. Particularly when they come in as sav­iors with the pow­er of good over evil. Generally their research is flawed accounts of peo­ple who are part of the prob­lem rather than agents of a solu­tion. Even so how­ev­er there are Jamaicans who have fig­ured out to make mon­ey, and fame from these very White Knights who come in as friends.

None more so ‚than the group Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ)and their leader a pedi­a­tri­cian Carolyn Gomes. She fig­ured out how to ride that gravy-train, beat up the police under the guise of Human Rights, get nation­al hon­or at home and mon­ey from abroad. On this how­ev­er I agree with Transparency International. I com­mend the police and in par­tic­u­lar Commissioner Ellington on some of the moves he has made to engen­der trust in the police force. I do not agree with every­thing he’s done, but on his pub­lic stance regard­ing cor­rup­tion he has my sup­port. Dirty cops are bad for the depart­ment and the coun­try. Bravo JCF !!!


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Carolyn Gomes the crim­i­nal Rights activist based at Fagan Avenue ‚con­tin­ues to thumb her nose at the death of inno­cent Jamaicans who are killed by crim­i­nal . She does so even as she aids and com­fort every crim­i­nal arrest­ed or shot by police. Let me say again I per­son­al­ly will not stand by and allow Carolyn Gomes, Susan Goffe and their cronies to put the lives of police offi­cers at fur­ther risk through their work of lies and dis­in­for­ma­tion. We will ral­ly the nec­es­sary sup­port to push back against this anti-Jamaican activ­i­ty . To the Police Federation , you are a union, the police force can­not push back against politi­cians and oth­er inter­est groups who malign the force with lies and smear. You can , that’s your job, stop engag­ing in actions to pro­tect cops who are doing things they have no busi­ness doing, stop lob­by­ing for cops who are doing wrong things and do your job , fight for what’s right. And one more thing Federation chair­man, I am talk­ing to you, I have sources, take my advice. The police Federation is sup­posed to speak force­ful­ly for rank and file mem­bers, not lob­by for offi­cers who run afoul of the laws.

One thought on “POLICE UNDER SIEGE!!!

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