
Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty or more security.

Benjamin Franklin was cred­it­ed with utter­ing those words. Franklin was one of the found­ing fathers of the United States.

Franklin earned the title of “The First American” for his ear­ly and inde­fati­ga­ble cam­paign­ing for colo­nial uni­ty; as an author and spokesman in London for sev­er­al colonies, then as the first United States Ambassador to France, he exem­pli­fied the emerg­ing American nation.[2] Franklin was foun­da­tion­al in defin­ing the American ethos as a mar­riage of the prac­ti­cal val­ues of thrift, hard work, edu­ca­tion, com­mu­ni­ty spir­it, self-gov­ern­ing insti­tu­tions, and oppo­si­tion to author­i­tar­i­an­ism both polit­i­cal and reli­gious, with the sci­en­tif­ic and tol­er­ant val­ues of the Enlightenment.http://​en​.wikipedia​.org/​w​i​k​i​/​B​e​n​j​a​m​i​n​_​F​r​a​n​k​lin

After the events of September 11th 2001, Americans anx­ious to be safe from the onslaught which was unleashed by Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda net­work were more than will­ing to give their Government unbri­dled lat­i­tude to do what was nec­es­sary to keep them safe.

The prob­lem with that is that Government can­not be trust­ed with pow­er, wher­ev­er Governments is allowed pow­er the result is tyran­ny. That is the rea­son the American sys­tem of checks and bal­ances seemed like such a good idea.

The American sys­tem of checks and bal­ances appeared to do a cred­i­ble job of pre­vent­ing tyran­ny until now. Americans being a free-spir­it­ed peo­ple, decid­ed to do what they feel nec­es­sary to pre­vent their Governments from being tyranical.

How do they do this you ask? Look no fur­ther than the present debate rag­ing about guns. Many Americans will tell you that the sec­ond Amendment to the Constitution gives them the right to bear arms and it does.

Politicians and Police Agencies look­ing to lim­it the types of guns, and many argue all guns, in the hands of the cit­i­zen­ry, will have to scale the high wall of the sec­ond Amendment.

Some Political lead­ers argue that no per­son needs an assault rifle to defend his home or to hunt, these statements,though some­what legit­i­mate, real­ly bears the hall­mark of naivete.

Many Americans do not hold onto their guns for hunt­ing or home­stead defense, they seri­ous­ly believe that they need to have ade­quate defense against their own Government.

Many peo­ple find this con­cept laugh­able, they crit­i­cize and ridicule these views as absurd, anti­quat­ed and out of the main­stream,.….…. but are they?

As new infor­ma­tion begin to sur­face about the Obama Administration’s drone pro­gram, Americans are being made painful­ly aware that their Government which told them that they were using drones to kill ter­ror­ists over­seas, before they could kill them over here, are also now telling them” we will use drones to kill you if we sus­pect you of ter­ror­ist activ­i­ty”.Did you get that? .….….…. The whole con­cept was to keep Americans safe right?

Well, no more, this is no longer about using drones to kill Americans over­seas who are sus­pect­ed of being involved in ter­ror­ism but killing Americans on American soil with­out due process.

Most Police Agencies across America are clam­or­ing for Drones to aid in what they char­ac­ter­ize as their efforts to fight crime. No one both­ers to ask these cops what the hell they need drones for?

They argue that it will be intel­li­gence dri­ven, of course we all know that American Intelligence is infallible[sic] just ask the Iraqis.

Some United States Senators who signed the Patriot Act dur­ing the Administration of George W Bush America’s 43rd President, admit­ted they did not read it.

Some sim­ply signed the Bill, fren­zied to pro­tect America from anoth­er attack but some Democrats signed out of fear of being labeled soft. No Democratic Senator would risk the wrath of the Bush/​Cheney pro­pa­gan­da cliché, “either you are with us or you are against us”.

America is now like a cat play­ing with a ball of yarn, it start­ed out quite inno­cent­ly, kit­ten tug­ging at the end of the yarn, but the longer it plays with the yarn the more entan­gled it gets, until the kit­ten has no way of extri­cat­ing itself from the entanglement.

Every President, Governor, Senator Congressman right down to the dog catch­er, runs as a tough guy, they all trum­pet the need to keep America safe (impor­tant), but they lack the vision to dis­cern the unin­tend­ed con­se­quences of a Police State they are rapid­ly cre­at­ing. They keep tight­en­ing the screws, elim­i­nat­ing their very own lib­er­ty in the elu­sive quest for safe­ty and security.

Of course safe­ty and secu­ri­ty were always abstract and sub­jec­tive, it’s sim­i­lar to a dog chas­ing it’s tail, or a Hamster on a wheel on a nev­er end­ing trek to nowhere.

If Americans ever won­dered what a police state is, all they have to do is look around them, it is here.

There are now reports not yet con­firmed by the lame stream media, that for­mer California Cop Christopher Dorner 33 may be tar­get­ed with drones, Police did not deny the alle­ga­tions when asked by mem­bers of the Press, except to say they will use all avail­able tools at their dis­pos­al to bring the sit­u­a­tion to a close.

christopher dorner

Dorner is accused of com­mit­ting three mur­ders, he has not been con­vict­ed of any­thing in a court of law, not yet.

Many Americans have no idea what they are clam­or­ing for when they unwit­ting­ly give pow­er-hun­gry politi­cians the pow­er to do what they please. The Government is no longer the ser­vant of the peo­ple, when that hap­pens it is time to be concerned.

As of June 2000, State and local gov­ern­ments in the United States oper­at­ed 17,784 full-time law enforce­ment agen­cies — those that employed at least one full-time sworn offi­cer with gen­er­al arrest pow­ers or the equiv­a­lent in part-time offi­cers.http://​bjs​.ojp​.usdoj​.gov

Yet every dog catch­er run­ning for office, talks about the need to hire more cops, schools are crum­bling, kids are fail­ing, over 2 mil­lion peo­ple are incar­cer­at­ed some for minor infrac­tions, yet they keep hir­ing more and more cops.

Have you ever asked your­selves why? Despite the bil­lions and bil­lions spent each year on Policing the vast major­i­ty of what police do does not nec­es­sar­i­ly ben­e­fit the pub­lic, try call­ing them when you real­ly need help in cer­tain communities.

The images above ought to tell it all, we are in deep trouble.