Police Show That They Are Not There To Protect …

Earlier today, I walked out­side my busi­ness place, and as is cus­tom­ary, there were blue & red flash­ing police lights; some­one pulled over. In the city of Poughkeepsie, where my busi­ness is sit­u­at­ed, I am almost at the end of the city police’s juris­dic­tion and where the Town police area begins. They actu­al­ly inter­lock, but the city cops are gen­er­al­ly less both­er­some of the residents.
On the oth­er hand, the town uses the poor black res­i­dents of the City as a feed­ing tree. Town cops posi­tion them­selves at the city’s edge on the upper main, where they ter­ror­ize res­i­dents enter­ing and leav­ing the city. The major­i­ty of the res­i­dents are black.
In addi­tion to the city and Town, there are the state police and the Sheriff’s depart­ment, all four agen­cies for one area. In fair­ness to the Sheriff’s deputies, they are hard­ly around the city harass­ing res­i­dents; the ter­ror comes from the Town of Poughkeepsie Police, where they become par­a­sites to the black res­i­dents to fund their overtime.

A few min­utes after I observed them, it start­ed to rain, and the pow­er went out in some sec­tions of the block, leav­ing traf­fic lights knocked out. As I head­ed home, I real­ized that the traf­fic lights were out fur­ther up the block at three oth­er major inter­sec­tions, pos­ing a chal­lenge for motorists.
As you may have imag­ined, there was not a sin­gle cop or cop-car for the four agen­cies, attend­ing to ensur­ing the safe­ty of motorists and pedes­tri­ans alike.
It is impor­tant to include that it was no longer rain­ing, so it had grown dark­er, which made it even more ratio­nal that a cop-cruis­er with flash­ing lights would have been post­ed at the traf­fic lights to ensure the safe­ty of the pub­lic who pays their salaries and lucra­tive benefits.
It kind of put to lie the idea that cops are there to pro­tect and serve. It seems to me they are there to rip and run.


And then there was this recent inci­dent in which a young man was mur­dered by the police even after they had all of the time in the world to take cov­er and ensure that they are pro­tect­ed. They end­ed up doing what they like to do, kill.
As long as soci­ety glo­ri­fies and endors­es this bar­barism, we are all worse off for it.


So they killed the guy, and you are sure to know what comes next, the stan­dard dri­v­el; accord­ing to News 4, DC Police offi­cers in Maryland fatal­ly shot a 21-year-old out­side a McDonald’s restau­rant after an “armed stand­off,” the Montgomery County Police Department said in a news release Saturday.
The shoot­ing took place Friday night after police said offi­cers respond­ed to a call about a cus­tomer who had ordered food but was refus­ing to move through the dri­ve-thru lane at the McDonald’s in Gaithersburg, about 30 miles (48 kilo­me­ters) from Washington.
Once an offi­cer spot­ted a hand­gun on the front pas­sen­ger seat of the man’s car, back­up was called, police said. Additional offi­cers secured the area and evac­u­at­ed McDonald’s staff.
According to police, an “armed stand­off” ensued, dur­ing which offi­cers tried nego­ti­at­ing with the dri­ver for about 30 minutes.
“Circumstances that are still under inves­ti­ga­tion led to offi­cers fir­ing their weapons, and the dri­ver was shot,” the news release said.
Officers ren­dered aid to the dri­ver until he was tak­en to a hos­pi­tal, where he was pro­nounced dead, police said.
The offi­cers involved are on stan­dard admin­is­tra­tive leave.
Sure, we know they get paid leave to relax after they com­mit these state-sanc­tioned exe­cu­tions, and that’s it.
What kind of coun­try sanc­tions this kind of bar­barism as stan­dard behav­ior and calls itself a civ­i­lized society?

According to the mur­dered 21-year-old’s dad, his son, Ryan Leroux, was mur­dered. He had just lost his grand­moth­er, his job, his long­time girl­friend, liv­ing out of his car, and was hav­ing a men­tal breakdown.
He chal­lenges the police ver­sion of events that claimed that Leroux lift­ed a gun in his hands, so they fired a bar­rage of shots end­ing his life.
See link here https://​www​.nbcwash​ing​ton​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​l​o​c​a​l​/​v​i​d​e​o​-​s​h​o​w​s​-​m​o​m​e​n​t​s​-​m​o​n​t​g​o​m​e​r​y​-​p​o​l​i​c​e​-​k​i​l​l​e​d​-​r​y​a​n​-​l​e​r​o​u​x​-​g​a​i​t​h​e​r​s​b​u​r​g​-​m​c​d​o​n​a​l​d​s​/​2​7​4​6​1​38/
The father said there was no rea­son to mur­der his son. That is the under­state­ment of the decade. When ques­tioned by jour­nal­ists as to whether he at any time saw a weapon in mis­ter Leroux’s hands, the chief said no.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.