Police Quite Capable Of Removing These Terrorists: If Govt Gets Out Of The Way…

The Jamaica Constabulary Force con­tin­ue to erad­i­cate from the small Island the bru­tal and mer­ci­less home grown ter­ror­ists who have tak­en over the coun­try since the Bruce Golding led JLP in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the People’s National Party gave the coun­try INDECOM.

The life­less body of alleged gang leader Daniel Whittaker o/​c dan dan.

Since this mon­strous police shack­ling law was passed in 2010 thou­sands of Jamaicans have lost their lives who would­n’t nor­mal­ly have.
Many are indeed inno­cents who should not have lost their lives.
On the oth­er hand many have died who are part of the problem .
With that said between the Government,Opposition, the crim­i­nal courts sys­tem and the agen­cies they cre­at­ed to ham­strung the police the job of the police have become increas­ing­ly dif­fi­cult to near­ly impossible.

Over the years Administrations of both polit­i­cal par­ties have allowed lob­by groups opposed to the police and sup­port­ive of crim­i­nals to use police shoot­ing sta­tis­tics to solic­it funds from inter­ests, some of which are opposed to Jamaica’s interest.
Groups like Jamaicans For Justice under the lead­er­ship of Carolyn Gomez have done immea­sur­able harm to our coun­try by manip­u­lat­ing data in sup­port of her own interest .

Out of those actions we got INDECOM, and the Public Defender’s Office but we also got dra­mat­ic increas­es in homi­cides, Rapes, Sexual molesta­tion of women and chil­dren and over­all dra­mat­ic increas­es in vio­lent crimes.
As I have said in pre­vi­ous arti­cles Jamaica has peo­ple with immense tal­ents and intel­lect, there is no rea­son we should not be a first world state despite our late start.

Think for a moment at the immea­sur­able poten­tial peo­ple, all of us, look at what we have done in the dias­po­ra and at home.
Imagine if we are able to coa­lesce those pos­i­tives into devel­op­ing that 4411 square miles?
Now imag­ine if you are a lender to Jamaica and you want to keep mak­ing money.
Would it be in your inter­est in have a devel­oped sol­vent Jamaica?
Use your heads Jamaicans, there are peo­ple giv­ing mon­ey to anti police groups which have done the cal­cu­la­tion, they are hop­ing you will not do yours.

There are high­ly placed peo­ple with­in the present Government and the Opposition par­ty who have the good sense to rec­og­nize that the INDECOM act is hav­ing dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences on the enforce­ment of the Nation’s laws, none have had the char­ac­ter and balls to stand up and demand that this law which kills be repealed.