Police Officers Get Their Brains Blown Out Andrew Holness Cavorts With INDECOM..

Here goes (baby bruce ) again .
This has got to defy all log­ic and cer­tain­ly will evoke not a whis­per from labourites in cer­tain places.
From Seaga to Bruce Golding and now Andrew Holness it appears that police nyam dem white fowl.

At a time when INDECOM’s own data is demon­strat­ing that the agency is not val­ue for mon­ey Holness found him­self at their con­fer­ence mak­ing grand­stand­ing state­ments against police.

When The Cost In Blood And Treasure Are Computed INDECOM’s Time Has Come And Gone..

At a time when our police offi­cers are hav­ing their brains blown out in the streets in the mid­dle of the day , the Jamaican Prime Minister in clas­sic vul­ture style, has pitched and is engaged in tear­ing at the car­cass of these dead officers.

Andrew Holness

Speaking at a con­fer­ence on Wednesday, Andrew Holness stressed the need to have a well-resourced insti­tu­tion to inves­ti­gate police killings.

He not­ed the need for a shift in how force is used by the police. Holness not­ed that the police also need clear guide­lines and resources to car­ry out their job so they can ensure pub­lic safe­ty while also secur­ing their own lives. Holness said he has giv­en instruc­tions to the Police High Command, through the National Security Council, that all offi­cers in a par­tic­u­lar region must under­go a poly­graph test or what is com­mon­ly referred to as a lie-detec­tor test.

The Gleaner/​Power 106 News Centre had report­ed in late April that police in west­ern Jamaica who failed lie detec­tor tests would be sub­ject­ed to admin­is­tra­tive and inves­tiga­tive reviews. The National Security Council had report­ed that Police Area One which com­pris­es St James, Hanover, Westmoreland and Trelawny, would be the focus of sys­tem­at­ic poly­graph­ing of police per­son­nel. At a meet­ing in late April, the Council had said some 78 cops from Police Area One had so far been poly­graphed. In recent times the JCF has also intro­duced poly­graph tests for police recruits. (jamaica​glean​er​.com)


I apol­o­gize to the fam­i­ly of the late Leighton Hanson for­mer­ly of the Constant Spring Police , how­ev­er in the inter­est of full dis­clo­sure and hope­ful­ly less dead cops , it is impor­tant that Andrew Holness be made aware of his fuck­ing respon­si­bil­i­ties to the Jamaican people.

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I am at a loss as to what the hell this guy Andrew Holness is talk­ing about .
The Jamaican Police are the ones get­ting killed .His friend Bruce Golding made sure that on his watch a law was passed which neutered police and empow­ered gang­sters and Dons.
There are clear­ly defined use of force guide­lines with­ing the JCF Act . Rules which makes the police hes­i­tant and unsure ‚when jux­ta­posed with the INDECOM act, these crit­i­cal com­po­nents end up get­ting police offi­cers killed in this cesspool of crim­i­nal sup­port our coun­try has been reduced to.
Then these retards won­der why the PNP always win elec­tions in Jamaica ?
Here is this idiot in pow­er with a one seat major­i­ty in the leg­is­la­ture mak­ing a total jack­ass of him­self at the expense of dead cops and the loved ones they leave behind to grieve their loss..

Terrence Williams

There was no sense to his ram­blings about lie detec­tor test , and Police use of force.
If there are dirty cops , go ahead and root them out , but this guy seem to be all about INDECOM as Bruce Golding was.

INDECOM’s media cam­paign is about Terrence Williams hold on a posi­tion which clear­ly is not bring­ing val­ue for mon­ey, and a fail­ing agency which can­not jus­ti­fy it’s exis­tence by it’s performance.
As the chief exec­u­tive offi­cer of the coun­try and the per­son with the ulti­mate respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­tect the coun­try Andrew Holness has been on a tear to demon­strate his ani­mos­i­ty toward law enforcement.
If the cops pro­vid­ing secu­ri­ty for him and his fam­i­ly were suf­fi­cient­ly intel­li­gent they would all walk away and let INDECOM secure him and his family.
Or maybe he would be elat­ed to pull secu­ri­ty from his Olympic Gardens enclave?

If Andrew Holness wants to talk about poly­graph tests a good place to start is on his agri­cul­ture Minister Carl Samuda who received a report­ed 15 acres of Mombasa grass plant­ed on his prop­er­ty with­out pay­ing for it until he was caught red handed.
Lets get a poly­graph test on these immoral thieves first .…

One thought on “Police Officers Get Their Brains Blown Out Andrew Holness Cavorts With INDECOM..

  1. Only a fool would believe that this man: Andrew Holness is pro-police! His attack on the police speaks to his char­ac­ter. When those with­in their con­stituents speak out against them and their sup­port for the “crim­i­nals, dons, and gun­men” mys­te­ri­ous­ly died under ques­tion­able cir­cum­stances because they are the ones who gave the orders to make sure that dis­senters are silenced.
    If any of us expect any changes in Jamaica, it won’t be com­ing from with­in because we have a set of “boasie slaves” who are cor­rupt to the core and their hatred for the police are irrefutable.
    I don’t under­stand how police offi­cers guard these peo­ple when they spew ven­om at them and their colleagues?
    The first per­son that should do a “Lie detec­tor,” is Andrew Holness and his role of crim­i­nal­i­ty in Kingston 11 area and his knowl­edge of the crim­i­nals who live, and oper­ates in his constituency?
    My advice to the Jamaican police offi­cer is to migrate to some­where else and make your life much bet­ter for your­self and fam­i­ly, and you will live longer than those who are serv­ing the Jamaican Constabulary Force.
    Jamaica is a criminal’s par­adise in the Caribbean Sea, and it is the best place for crim­i­nals and future ter­ror­ists to start their enter­prise and oper­ates with impuni­ty! I am sur­prised how “ISIS, Al Qaida, and oth­er inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ist groups” are not in Jamaica and oper­at­ing from there with the bless­ings of the Jamaican government.

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