Police Officers About To Detain A Suspect Must Get Permission From Untrained Hacks …

This is where our coun­try Jamaica is at the moment.
Over a thou­sand peo­ple dead and the killings are con­tin­u­ing day by day. The Island’s jus­tice sys­tem is geared at pro­tect­ing crim­i­nals as can clear­ly be seen from this recent state­ment by the Island Justice Minister as far as deten­tions are con­cerned in the so called Zones of Special Operations.

The non­sen­si­cal notion that police offi­cers whose jobs it is to arrest crim­i­nals will be forced to cede their pro­fes­sion­al author­i­ty and judg­ment to untrained polit­i­cal hacks who are now bear­ing the fan­cy name lay mag­is­trates is stun­ning­ly retrograde.
There is no prece­dent for any­thing like this in any west­ern democracy.

Delroy Chuck Minister of Justice…

If a per­son is to be detained, the police will have to con­vince the JPs that this per­son is sus­pect­ed (of com­mit­ting a crime), and if the JPs dis­agree, the man must be released. If the JPs agree, with­in 24 hours that per­son must be tak­en before a parish judge.”Delroy Chuck.….