Police Officer Facing 7 Years In Prison For Urinating On 12-Year Old Girl

Cleveland, OH — Solomon Nhiwatiwa, a 34-year old Cleveland police offi­cer, has plead­ed guilty to sev­er­al charges after a dis­gust­ing inci­dent ear­li­er this year when he alleged­ly uri­nat­ed on a 12-year old girl whom he tried to propo­si­tion as she was sit­ting at a bus sta­tion. He is fac­ing a max­i­mum of 7 12 years of imprisonment. 

On August 16, Nhiwatiwa, who was then off-duty, alleged­ly asked the girl, who was on the bus stop, if she need­ed a ride to school. When she refused, Nhiwatawa drove off. However, he returned after a while and did the unthinkable.

According to reports, Nhiwatiwa took out his cell phone to take a video of him­self while uri­nat­ing on the 12-year old girl. He then drove away again.

The victim’s moth­er called 911 to report the inci­dent around the same time anoth­er per­son in the area called to report a sus­pi­cious per­son look­ing into cars. Police fig­ured it was the same per­son when DNA from the girl’s clothes matched Nhiwatiwa’s.

Nhiwatiwa was arrest­ed and his phone was seized, but couldn’t be accessed to check its con­tents includ­ing pho­tos and videos. He was since put in jail on $300,000 bond.

He recent­ly entered a plea deal for felony charges of attempt­ed kid­nap­ping, pan­der­ing obscen­i­ty, dis­sem­i­nat­ing mat­ter harm­ful to juve­niles, and endan­ger­ing chil­dren. The assault, pub­lic inde­cen­cy, and inter­fer­ing with cus­tody charges were dropped in exchange for the guilty plea.

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley said that because of the plea deal, Nhiwatiwa will sure­ly be sen­tenced to prison and will not be able to serve as a police offi­cer again.

He’s now been held account­able, he’s going to be sen­tenced to prison,” O’Malley told Cleveland​.com. “My best wish­es for that young child in the future as she goes on with her life.”

O’Malley also thought that Nhiwatiwa is “clear­ly a sick indi­vid­ual” and shouldn’t have passed the psy­cho­log­i­cal test­ing in the first place. He said, “You won­der how this indi­vid­ual slid through the cracks. Hopefully, we can improve the test­ing in law enforce­ment so that indi­vid­u­als like this nev­er put a badge on again.”

Moreover, it was not the first time Nhiwatiwa has been involved in an absurd inci­dent since he start­ed work­ing as a police offi­cer in Cleveland in 2014. He report­ed­ly once lost his portable radio, he repeat­ed­ly called a woman “sir” and erro­neous­ly not­ed her per­son­al info, and respond­ed late to a man lying face down in a field.

Nhiwatiwa is sched­uled for sen­tenc­ing on January 21.