Police Murder And Abuse Is A National Epedemic..

Whenever there are glar­ing inde­fen­si­ble proof that many of America’s cops are mur­der­ous sociopaths there is the oppos­ing argu­ment of only a tiny amount of cops are bad.
Really ?
We have con­sis­tent­ly stat­ed in this pub­li­ca­tion, if you wit­ness a crime by your col­league and you do noth­ing that makes you an acces­so­ry to the crime, if you fal­si­fy report to sub­stan­ti­ate the lie your crim­i­nal col­league prof­fer, you are equal­ly as guilt as the pri­ma­ry offender.
Civilians are pros­e­cut­ed to the full extent of the law, if they com­mit perjury.
All across America there are inmates sit­ting in state and fed­er­al pri­ons for lying to investigators.
Why are cops allowed to fal­si­fy reports,plant evi­dence, and lie to pro­tect their col­leagues with­out consequence?
Is the objec­tive to get to the truth in crim­i­nal mat­ters, or is it sim­ply about fill­ing jail and prison cells?
If this is so the pub­lic needs to be told that the police do not have to obey laws like every­one else.

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Philly Cops Caught on Camera Beating Man Like a Drum #NajeeRivera.