Police In Alabama Set Up And Falsely Arrested Over 1,000 Innocent Black Men

Innocent Black man in prison

Dothan, AL — 12 police offi­cers in Dothan, Alabama, who were appar­ent­ly mem­bers of a domes­tic hate group, has been found to have set up and false­ly accused over 1,000 Black men with the inten­tion to put them behind bars even though they were innocent. 

.According to reports, a nar­cotics team con­sist­ing of at least twelve white police offi­cers super­vised by Lt. Steve Parrish, who is now Dothan’s Police Chief, and Andy Hughes, Asst. Director of Homeland Security for Alabama, reg­u­lar­ly plant­ed drugs and weapons on inno­cent Black men.

Once arrest­ed and charged, the wrong­ly accused Black men were not giv­en due process. District Attorney Doug Valeska, who pros­e­cut­ed in those cas­es, was appar­ent­ly aware of the scam and offered pro­tec­tion for the involved offi­cers instead.

More than 1,000 inno­cent Black men were false­ly pros­e­cut­ed and most of them are still serv­ing their sentences.

Over the years, the fam­i­lies of the wrong­ly con­vict­ed Black men were call­ing for jus­tice but it has always been ignored. It was only until a group of con­sci­en­tious White police offi­cers noticed the cas­es and alert­ed the Internal Affairs Division that a full inves­ti­ga­tion ensued.

Authorities con­firmed that an inves­ti­ga­tion on the cas­es are cur­rent­ly ongo­ing and a spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor from out­side of Alabama is han­dling the case.(bbnews.com)