Police High Command Scared Shitless To Stand With Officers

[“We have seen the evidence we will await the outcome of the Investigations in the meantime we stand with our officers”].

Where have I heard that state­ment before?
Oh, that is the stan­dard state­ment real police depart­ments put out to the media when their offi­cers are accused of doing some­thing wrong.
That curt yet pro­fes­sion­al state­ment says two things. (1) We are not going to engage in the demo­niz­ing of our offi­cers and (2) Don’t come to us wait for the inves­ti­ga­tions to conclude.

The Police High Command has ordered an inves­ti­ga­tion into an inci­dent, cap­tured on video, depict­ing mem­bers of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) embroiled in an alter­ca­tion with mem­bers of the pub­lic. During the inci­dent, Gleaner pho­tog­ra­ph­er Rudolph Brown was pep­per sprayed by a policewoman.
Persons who wit­nessed or who were involved in the inci­dent at the Silver Slipper Plaza in Cross Roads, St Andrew, on Tuesday, have been urged to con­tact the Inspectorate of Constabulary at 906‑5325 or 754‑8217 to share any infor­ma­tion they may have.

This was the tight scene around the offi­cers as they sought to do their jobs and a had their work­ing spaces invad­ed by Brown and others.

Notice the dif­fer­ence here?
What exact­ly do the idiots in the so-called high com­mand of the JCF expect that any­one who shows up to give evi­dence is going to say?
Are they going to show up to give evi­dence sup­port­ive of the police or are they 100% inclined to tell lies about what they saw even though they may not even have been there?
Whats wrong with the video why a deter­mi­na­tion can­not be made using the very footage the PAJ and its affil­i­ates are using to cry foul?

The very stance of the police high com­mand, jit­tery and pan­icked in its state­ments sends the wrong mes­sage, almost as if the offi­cers are in the wrong even with­out an investigation!


Rudolph Brown

Brown report­ed that he was in the Cross Roads area when he wit­nessed a com­mo­tion, which seemed to be caused by police attempts to arrest a man.

(1) A jour­nal­ist on assign­ment has a respon­si­bil­i­ty to obey police offi­cers com­mands to move away when they are exe­cut­ing their duties.
Rudolph Brown was­n’t even on assign­ment, which makes his argu­ments dou­bly dubi­ous and tenuous.

(2)He sub­se­quent­ly took out his smart­phone and began record­ing the inci­dent. He was instruct­ed by a police sergeant to stop record­ing, but he con­tin­ued to record the inci­dent after iden­ti­fy­ing him­self as a media work­er.

Why was there a need for Brown to iden­ti­fy him­self as a jour­nal­ist if he was at a safe dis­tance from the officers?
(3)Brown alleges, The sergeant then told a con­sta­ble to pep­per spray him.
Why would the sub­of­fi­cer give the order to pep­per spray Brown if he was a safe dis­tance away? Isn’t it clear that this has noth­ing to do with the fact that Brown who was not offi­cial­ly on duty took it upon him­self to get in the way of an active and flu­id arrest in which a sus­pect was­n’t even yet sub­dued and refused law­ful orders to move away?

(4) Isn’t the fact that Brown alleges that he was sprayed in his eyes a clear and deci­sive bit of evi­dence that he was very close to the offi­cers. That he rep­re­sent­ed a risk and a per­ceived threat to their safe­ty in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of their duties?

Does any­one real­ly believe that this is wor­thy of an inves­ti­ga­tion or is this just anoth­er exam­ple of anoth­er piece of shit who decides that the police can­not tell him what to do and got burned in the process?
You see the only thing I fault the offi­cers with, is not arrest­ing him and let him cool his heels in a cell so that the next time he is going about his busi­ness and he sees offi­cers arrest­ing a sub­ject he does either of two things,(1) keep walk­ing or (2) video­tape from a safe distance.


Clifford Blake

There was not a sin­gle word of sup­port for the offi­cers from the act­ing Commissioner of Police who could­n’t wait for Commissioner George Quallo’s chair to be cooled before plop­ping his ass in it.
The Media Association of Jamaica Ltd (MAJ), The Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) all came out in defense of Brown and demand­ing all kinds of Investigations. Not a word from the known anti-police act­ing com­mis­sion­er of Police Clifford Blake.

Despite not hav­ing a sin­gle word of sup­port for the offi­cers who were doing their jobs Clifford Blake decid­ed to gain a lit­tle good­will for him­self at the expense of his colleagues.

In a state­ment, Blake said he’s aware of con­cerns being raised in the pub­lic domain that cops may be even more enticed to request and accept bribes from motorists. But he said mis­con­duct in any form is unac­cept­able and will not be coun­te­nanced by the Police High Command.

That ought to get him some raves in the peanut gallery, hope­ful­ly, he will be out of that office real soon.
No one wants our police offi­cers to ask for bribes and this writer is stri­dent­ly opposed to dirty cops. In fact, I was work­ing with a cop who stopped a minibus and asked the dri­ver for lunch mon­ey. The con­duc­tor threw a $5 bill into our car and sped off.

DCP Clifford Blake’s Talk To Cops Exposes Why Crime Has Taken Over Jamaica…

I demand­ed that he dri­ve the bus down which he reluc­tant­ly did and I got out of the car and hand­ed the mon­ey back to the con­duc­tor to cheers and praise from the pas­sen­gers. I ordered my col­league to take me back to the sta­tion which he did, I prompt­ly made a report to Mister Noël Asphall our boss.
The offi­cer in ques­tion was a Corporal, I was a con­sta­ble. I was able to order him around because he had com­pro­mised him­self and his author­i­ty to me.
The dam­age he did to him­self and the force was immea­sur­able. He knows who he is.

Nevertheless, DCP Blake could have cir­cu­lat­ed an inter­nal memo with­out seek­ing the glare of the pub­lic stage to embar­rass the offi­cers so unfor­tu­nate to be in his charge.
On a point of note, how­ev­er, I won­der how many mini-bus­es Clifford Blake owned as a police offi­cer and does he own any now?
Leadership DCP Blake is crit­i­ciz­ing in pri­vate and com­pli­ment­ing in pub­lic. You see Mister Blake, some peo­ple were born great and oth­ers had great­ness thrust upon them. you decide where you fit, do remem­ber my man you also had a mighty lot of luck and a lot of good­will you haven’t earned.
Walk good.….….……

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