Police High Command Either Complicit Or More Stupid Than I Thought..

Among the per­sons being tar­get­ed, declared Selvin Haye, deputy com­mis­sion­er in charge of crime, are the financiers behind the ille­gal impor­ta­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion of firearms, as well as those involved in drug trafficking.

We will be build­ing more and bet­ter enter­prise cas­es to tack­le this type of crime and crim­i­nal­i­ty. We will be using spe­cial­ized teams now armed with bet­ter inves­tiga­tive skills and ana­lyt­i­cal capa­bil­i­ties to track these crim­i­nals,” Haye said.

Police Commissioner George Quallo (right); Clifford Blake (cen­ter) deputy com­mis­sion­er of police Strategic Operations; and Wray Palmer, deputy com­mis­sion­er of police Inspectorate of the Constabulary, dur­ing a press con­fer­ence at the Commissioner’s Old Hope head­quar­ters, yes­ter­day
Gleaner pho­to.

Well, I guess we have got­ten over the cha­rade that ZOSO was going to be a sig­nif­i­cant dri­ver of crime in a souther­ly direction.
We are now onto the next smoke screen.
Inherent in those com­ments com­ing from the police high com­mand is a con­fes­sion that there have been zero empha­sis to link those ship­ping the weapons and ammu­ni­tion from over­seas to the con­tra­bands they ship.
The police high com­mand has been com­plic­it in sim­ply bask­ing in the glo­ry of an occa­sion­al find here and there and tak­ing the cred­it for the work the cops on the streets do.
That has been the modus operan­di of the bloat­ed top heavy bureau­cra­cy that is known as the police high command.
A com­mand struc­ture which has nev­er done much in the way of gar­ner­ing real com­mand and is any­thing but structured.

So now they admit that despite the crime wave over the last sev­er­al decades, hell, since I left the force after my brief stint in 91 that the depart­ment was­n’t doing what they ought to have been doing even now?
The Deputy Commissioner’s state­ment was a real expose’ into what is real­ly hap­pen­ing or more like, what is not hap­pen­ing in the force that is con­tribut­ing to the wave of homi­cides and oth­er seri­ous crimes sweep­ing the country.

Commissioner of Police George Quallo (right) chats with Mark Codling (left) act­ing prin­ci­pal direc­tor, National Spatial Data Management Pension and Alexander Williams, chair­man, Land Information Council of Jamaica dur­ing the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny for the Geographic Information Systems Day, held at the Assembly Hall of the University of the West Indies, Mona

Though it is 2017 the force seems to be more focused on record­ing reports onto com­put­ers (mov­ing away from those God-awful big old books ) than solv­ing seri­ous crimes.
I was nev­er one who had much con­fi­dence in the abil­i­ty of the police high com­mand to get any­thing done or to sus­tain a good thing estab­lished by the rank and file. As such I nev­er gave any cre­dence to the grand pro­nounce­ments which come out of that body. Neither do I both­er pay­ing atten­tion to those who are con­vinced that there is new inno­va­tion hap­pen­ing in the force which will amount to any­thing pos­i­tive today.

In his first report­ing to the Parliament hav­ing been man­dat­ed by law after the launch of the first Zone of spe­cial oper­a­tions in Mount Salem St James prime Minister Andrew Holness told the nation quote:

The jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the ZOSO des­ig­na­tion was based on the rel­e­vant legal cri­te­ria, intel­li­gence, as well as strate­gic and oper­a­tional con­sid­er­a­tions of the joint com­mand of the secu­ri­ty forces. He said that, fol­low­ing 32 spe­cial oper­a­tions con­duct­ed by the joint force in the first 10 days, five ille­gal firearms were recov­ered, two want­ed men were tak­en into cus­tody and a num­ber of “lead sheets” used in lot­to scam­ming activ­i­ties recov­ered. “The next 10 days will see the con­tin­u­a­tion of inter­nal secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions to rid the zone of ille­gal weapons, ammu­ni­tion, and con­tra­band,” the prime min­is­ter told the House.


The leader of the Opposition Peter Phillips coun­tered that despite the oper­a­tion haul of “five guns and two arrests in 10 days”, 54 mur­ders have occurred at the same time across the island. He insist­ed that since the dec­la­ra­tion of the ZOSO, the dai­ly nation­al rate has increased. “That is to say that we had been going nation­al­ly at about 4.2 mur­ders per day…and in the peri­od since the zone, the nation­al aver­age has been about 5.5 mur­ders per day.

I nev­er thought that there would be a crime ini­tia­tive that would have any mea­sur­able effect on crime in the present envi­ron­ment that exists in the coun­try today.
There has to be a seis­mic atti­tu­di­nal shift in the way peo­ple see crime affect­ing their lives and what they are will­ing to do to change that paradigm.
Jamaica has nev­er been a place which was sup­port­ive of crime ini­tia­tives, it has always been high­ly opin­ion­at­ed with­out the facts as well.
Those char­ac­ter­is­tics are a per­fect storm which caus­es the Island of 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple to be one of the high­est pro­duc­ers of crime on the planet.

Peter Phillips

One of the prin­ci­ples I applied as an offi­cer was to allow sus­pects to talk, they will tell you pret­ty much what you need to know. Today as a per­son who oper­ates in the busi­ness space I still lis­ten intent­ly to all who I do busi­ness with-with a view to deter­min­ing their authenticity.
The state­ments of the police high com­mand have been extreme­ly revealing.

Which brings me to my final point.
The police high com­mand is even more stu­pid than I pre­vi­ous­ly thought they were.
If the Police high com­mand real­ly intend­ed to final­ly get up off their tired decrepit behinds and do some­thing about trac­ing the caches of weapons pour­ing into the Island why would they announce it?

One of the things those con­cerned about crime harp on is polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence in law enforcement.
Politicians are cul­pa­ble as it relates to the crime wave sweep­ing the coun­try but as it relates to the police announc­ing its inten­tions to crim­i­nals politi­cians bear zero responsibility.
That col­lu­sion or utter stu­pid­i­ty is the police’s and theirs alone.

Commissioner of Police George Quallo

No one stands in the way of the police if they chose to go after prin­ci­pals in the weapons trade, not even the politicians.
If the police are inter­est­ed in bust­ing the peo­ple at the top who are import­ing guns and ammu­ni­tion into the coun­try the police can do it.
Announcing that they intend to go after prin­ci­pals now when it should have been doing that as a mat­ter, of course, tells a skep­tic like me that they are not going after the big fish they are sim­ply telling them to be more discreet.

police remove ille­gal guns from the streets…

I have always sup­port­ed the police but I can in no way turn a blind eye to bla­tant incom­pe­tence at the bare min­i­mum and gross com­plic­i­ty at worse on the part of the police.
Trust me it is not as hard as the police tell you it is to track down and bring these crim­i­nals to justice.
If the police real­ly want­ed to bring these prin­ci­pal offend­ers to jus­tice they would seek the war­rants they need and go about their inves­ti­ga­tions with­out mak­ing announcements.
After all the politi­cians are some of the worst crim­i­nals, why would the police tell them what they intend to do?
That ladies and gen­tle­man is the rea­son I decid­ed to walk away from this depart­ment as soon as the oppor­tu­ni­ty pre­sent­ed itself.