Police Federation Chariman Steps Down:

We note with inter­est, recent devel­op­ments regard­ing the sud­den res­ig­na­tion of sergeant Raymond Wilson as police fed­er­a­tion chairman.

Wilson has been a vocal advo­cate for the cause of rank and file of the JCF, he was recent­ly exposed to with­er­ing and sus­tained attack from mem­bers of the JLP, their affil­i­ates and elit­ists in Jamaican soci­ety and those liv­ing in the dias­po­ra. This arose from a speech he gave in which he blast­ed the JLP Administration of Bruce Golding as behold­en to crim­i­nals at the expense of mem­bers of the force.

Raymond Wilson

We chose to stand with Wilson dur­ing that assault , we stead­fast­ly made known our sup­port for him on the Gleaner’s web­site, as well as oth­er blog sites in which the sub­ject was broached. At the time we felt that Wilson spoke from his heart and spoke pas­sion­ate­ly as a Jamaican who loved his coun­try. We believed he loved his coun­try and would have made the same state­ments if the oth­er par­ty was in government.

There are oth­ers whom have inti­mat­ed oth­er­wise, infer­ring a raft of rea­sons from polit­i­cal to self-serv­ing. We have no rea­son up to this point in time to believe any­thing oth­er than what we believed initially.

In the inter­im we are left won­der­ing what the real rea­sons are behind Wilson’s sud­den and uncer­mi­nous depar­ture as chair­man of the police fed­er­a­tion. And in his stead a Constable installed at the helm of this very impor­tant arm of the JCF. We are in no way impugn­ing the capa­bil­i­ties of this constable .

What we do wor­ry about is the caste sys­tem in Jamaica, as well as the caste rank­ing sys­tem in the JCF.

One won­ders if they attacked and assailed Wilson a sergeant with that amount of feroc­i­ty what will they do to a con­sta­ble three ranks beneath his?

The JCF is going through a trans­for­ma­tion, cor­rect­ly so, the Federation needs to be vig­i­lant ‚vocal,and in tune with the needs of rank and file members.

We will with­hold judge­ment on the ascen­den­cy of this con­sta­ble and what it may mean for the mem­bers of the JCF.

mike beck­les:

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