Police Federation Accepts Dalley’s Invitation

Peter Bunting Minister of National Security Obviously not in command of the facts shows himself less than capable once again
Peter Bunting Minister of National Security
Obviously not in com­mand of the facts shows him­self less than capa­ble once again

The Jamaica Police Federation says it has accept­ed the Government’s offer to resume wage negotiations.

Horace Dalley, the Minister with­out Portfolio in the Ministry of Finance, who is lead­ing the nego­ti­a­tions for the gov­ern­ment, wrote to the Federation yes­ter­day invit­ing it to attend a meet­ing sched­uled at the Ministry for Friday after­noon. Meanwhile, chair­man of the police fed­er­a­tion Sergeant Raymond Wilson has tak­en issue with the asser­tion by nation­al secu­ri­ty min­is­ter Peter Bunting that police per­son­nel have been offered a 6.5 per cent increase in year one and 5.5 per cent in year two.

Bunting explained the increas­es for both years include a 3.5 per cent annu­al incre­ment which every JCF mem­ber receives. But Sergeant Wilson says this annu­al incre­ment is not a new ben­e­fit and was already cal­cu­lat­ed into the lev­el of ero­sion expe­ri­enced by cops since their last increase. He says not every mem­ber of the force will be enti­tled to the incre­men­tal increase as an indi­vid­ual can only have six such increas­es at each rank. He says this means that a police­man who has already spent six years at a par­tic­u­lar rank will not have this increase to look for­ward to unless he is pro­mot­ed or is approved for senior­i­ty allowance. Police Federation Accepts Dalley’s Invitation

One thought on “Police Federation Accepts Dalley’s Invitation

  1. As usu­al the PNP nev­er respect­ed the police for their ser­vice to Jamaica! These politi­cians in Jamaica are more warm heart­ed towards the crim­i­nals, that’s the biggest vot­ing block for them. 

    To be a police offi­cer in Jamaica, you are a lit­tle bet­ter than the secu­ri­ty guards. Whenever a police offi­cer gets his pit­tance every month in the morn­ing, by evening he is broke and have to resort to either beg­ging or bor­row­ing. What kind of job is that? 

    It’s time for the Jamaican politi­cians to show the police the respect they have earned and deserve. Pay them a decent salary and that will help reduce cor­rup­tion with­in the force. The PNP gov­ern­ment must show the police some love, the same love they’re show­ing to INDECOM.

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