Police Fatally Shoot Motorist In Marietta, Georgia, After Brief Chase


Georgia police shot and killed a motorist who had been “dri­ving errat­i­cal­ly” before lead­ing offi­cers on a brief chase near Atlanta, author­i­ties said Thursday.

The dead­ly con­fronta­tion start­ed at about 3:30 p.m. Wednesday when “a Cobb County Police Department offi­cer observed a vehi­cle being dri­ven reck­less­ly” near Powder Springs Road and State Route 120A in Marietta, about 20 miles north­west of down­town Atlanta, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said.

The dri­ver, iden­ti­fied as 28-year-old Austell res­i­dent Devonte Dawayne Brown, “ini­tial­ly pulled over, but then refused to com­ply and sped away,” accord­ing to the GBI.

Police and Cobb County Sheriff’s deputies chased Brown and at “one point, the offi­cers attempt­ed to box in the vehi­cle,” the state author­i­ties said.

During this inci­dent, Brown attempt­ed to get away and hit mul­ti­ple police vehi­cles,” the GBI state­ment con­tin­ued. “As police offi­cers were try­ing to take Brown into cus­tody, a Cobb County Police Department offi­cer fired his gun, strik­ing Brown.”

The dri­ver was tak­en to the hos­pi­tal where he was pro­nounced dead.

Monica Brown, the dri­ver’s bio­log­i­cal aunt, and adop­tive mom, said she’s trou­bled by the video and believes her loved one did­n’t need to be shot.

I feel like this was exces­sive force,” she told NBC News on Thursday. “He could­n’t go any­where. They sur­round­ed him.”