Police Explain Why Men Held After $1b Drug Bust Released

The police infor­ma­tion arm, the Corporate Communications Unit (CCU), is seek­ing to explain why four men it ini­tial­ly claimed were “observed” aban­don­ing a drug-car­ry­ing ves­sel have been released from police custody.

On Saturday, the CCU said the men were detained dur­ing a joint police/​military oper­a­tion in Belmont District, Westmoreland after law enforcers inter­cept­ed the ves­sel car­ry­ing 36 bales of cocaine val­ued just under $1 bil­lion (US$7.5). “Four men, who were observed aban­don­ing the ves­sel and run­ning off in dif­fer­ent direc­tions were pur­sued and tak­en into cus­tody,” a CCU spokesman had said in the release on Saturday. However, in a release this after­noon, the CCU indi­cat­ed that its ini­tial report was not accu­rate. Quoting from the actu­al inci­dent report, the CCU instead said the fol­low­ing: “Approximately 1:00 a.m. a joint police and mil­i­tary team, which includ­ed the JamaicaDefence Force Air Wing and Coast Guard teams inter­cept­ed a blue 28-foot ves­sel, which was spot­ted com­ing ashore at Belmont. ‘On the approach of secu­ri­ty per­son­nel to the ves­sel, men aboard the ves­sel aban­doned it and ran in dif­fer­ent direc­tions. Four men were sub­se­quent­ly held’.”

The CCU also said today that the four men were “duly processed” and inter­viewed in the pres­ence of their lawyer and lat­er released as inves­ti­ga­tors were rea­son­ably sat­is­fied that the evi­dence avail­able did not link the men to the seizure. The CCU says it regrets the error and any incon­ve­nience that may have been caused. Police Explain Why Men Held After $1b Drug Bust Released