Police Continue To Kill Unabated In The US

Walter Scott laying face down , and handcuffed with 5 bullets in him.
Walter Scott lay­ing face down , and hand­cuffed with 5 bul­lets in him.

Since the start of the year over 500 peo­ple have been killed by America’s police forces. Prior to this year there was no actu­al account­ing for the hun­dreds of peo­ple killed each year, as there are no laws or actu­al rules which forces police depart­ments to com­pile accu­rate data of cit­i­zens they kill.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations have said they do not have accu­rate data of the peo­ple killed in the name of law-enforcement.
In many cas­es the vic­tims are unarmed some suf­fer­ing from men­tal issues.
Since the begin­ning of the black lives mat­ter cam­paign, more peo­ple are being sen­si­tized to the seri­ous prob­lem of police mur­der in the United States.
There is still very stiff oppo­si­tion to scruti­ny of police, large­ly by white pro

Khijame Powell killed unnecessarily by st Louis police.Yes you may be legally justified to kill, but are you morally justified?
Khijame Powell
killed unnec­es­sar­i­ly by st Louis police.Yes you may be legal­ly jus­ti­fied to kill, but are you moral­ly justified?

police groups and indi­vid­u­als who are not opposed to cops killing blacks whether they are inno­cent or not.
In many cas­es cops do not hide their prej­u­dices as was the case in San Francisco California where cops tweet­ed to each oth­er that Killing Black People Is Okay Because “It’s Not Against The Law To Put An Animal Down”.
Despite the vile nature of these com­ments , hard­ly any of this made it to the main stream Media.

Shocking as these num­bers are they are not new. they are sim­ply more obvi­ous now that peo­ple are actu­al­ly record­ing police and more Americans are pay­ing attention.
Additionally there is evi­dence that many cops are engaged in the hor­ri­ble prac­tice of plant­i­ng evi­dence and fal­si­fy­ing records in order to gain convictions.

Michael Brown shot several times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours
Michael Brown shot sev­er­al times lay face down , like a dog in the street for hours

As you might imag­ine the vic­tims of these atroc­i­ties are usu­al­ly Blacks , Latino, and poor whites.

Black Community lead­ers and grass-roots Organizations look to the FBI to take over and inves­ti­gate instances where local District Attorneys refuse to charge police when they com­mit crimes.
The prob­lem with that strat­e­gy is that the FBI main­tains sur­veil­lance assets on black demon­stra­tors who march for account­abil­i­ty of police actions.
Even as the Agency pur­ports to be engaged in some instances in Investigating mis­con­duct of the very same police…

Number 99 jersey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an illegal choke-hold while the other killers aided and abetted in the murder
Number 99 jer­sey Pantaleo killing Eric Garner with an ille­gal choke-hold while the oth­er killers aid­ed and abet­ted in the murder

Data from the Guardian shows that black Americans, par­tic­u­lar­ly young black men, face a high­er like­li­hood of being killed by police than their non-black peers. The Guardian’s report­ing sup­ports that find­ing, show­ing that 28.2 per­cent of all peo­ple killed by police this year have been black, despite mak­ing up just 13.2 per­cent of the population.