Police Corporal Busted In Gun Find

Corporal Miller

In a snap oper­a­tion car­ried out by mem­bers of C‑TOC in the Myers Lane area of Newlands Saint Catherine a police­man, Cpl. Devon Miller, 52 years old, attached to the Operations sec­tion of the Saint Catherine South Division was inter­cept­ed dri­ving a blue Toyota Corolla motor car and sig­naled to stop.

The car was searched and an AK47 rifle with ser­i­al num­ber tam­pered with a mag­a­zine con­tain­ing 15 7.62rds and a Taurus 9mm pis­tol with ser­i­al num­ber PT915 were found in the trunk of the car.

The licensed firearm in the pos­ses­sion of Cpl. Miller, a Taurus 9mm was also seized. A pair of license plates were found in Miller’s car as well. A sec­ond man 18-years-old Edward Forbes, was also arrest­ed. A third sus­pect fled the scene and is being sought by the police.
Investigations con­tin­ue.….
This arti­cle has been updat­ed to include pho­to­graph of the sus­pect since publication.