Police Blotters

ST ANN, Jamaica — A woman and a young boy were chopped to death in the com­mu­ni­ty of Linton Park in Watt Town, St Ann last evening, while anoth­er child has been hos­pi­tal­ized with injuries sus­tained dur­ing the incident.

According to reports, 32-year-old Alecia Francis was walk­ing along the road­way with 12-year-old Teco Jackson and the oth­er child about 10:30 pm when they were attacked by a man, who chopped them sev­er­al times.

The police said they were sum­moned by res­i­dents who were alert­ed by cries of help.

The three were tak­en to hos­pi­tal where Francis and Teco were pro­nounced dead and the oth­er child admit­ted in sta­ble condition.

Investigations are ongoing.