Police 8 point plan, mirror image of 10 plan I submitted a day ago... - mikebeckles.

Police 8 Point Plan, Mirror Image Of 10 Plan I Submitted A Day Ago…



Desperate times require strong mea­sures. In order to impress the cit­i­zens of St, James the Police Commissioner must buck some trends and go big.
Going big means trans­fer­ring every sin­gle cop sta­tioned in the Parish to oth­er Parishes.

Do not send DCP Blake to the Parish he has no prac­ti­cal polic­ing expe­ri­ence and may very well have been pro­mot­ed above his capa­bil­i­ties. Since those wrongs are not going to be right­ed today there is no rea­son to fur­ther exac­er­bate the sit­u­a­tion by para­chut­ing a tech­no­crat who has no idea what he is doing.
Sending Blake to St. James guar­an­tees one out­come, dis­grun­tled demor­al­ized cops who drop their hands further.

This Police Department of 2017 must begin once again to val­ue the dif­fer­ence a robust Criminal Investigations Branch brings to any police department.
This has noth­ing to do with the cre­ation of mul­ti­ple sup­posed Investigative arms which are based in Kingston and can­not inves­ti­gate itself out of a brown paper bag.

Fresh police offi­cers in the Parish and a push toward com­mu­ni­ty-based polic­ing is crit­i­cal while get­ting capa­ble under­cov­er cops embed­ded into the com­mu­ni­ties is crit­i­cal to any suc­cess the Police Department is going have going forward.
The Police must get back to gath­er­ing intel­li­gence if it is to have any hope of revers­ing this crime wave.

Commissioner Quallo, it is crit­i­cal that the offi­cers oper­at­ing in the com­mu­ni­ties have a senior sub-offi­cer at all times.
Having sea­soned sub-offi­cers on the ground reduces the like­li­hood of cit­i­zens abus­ing younger offi­cers and it reduces the like­li­hood of offi­cers abus­ing citizens.
It also reduces the poten­tial for corruption.

There are seri­ous well-con­nect­ed play­ers oper­at­ing in the Police Area 1.
Out of those con­nec­tions emanate the lot­to-scam, guns for drugs, the cocaine trade and oth­er transna­tion­al crimes which are hav­ing dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences on the secu­ri­ty of Jamaicans.
It is imper­a­tive that the links between those well-con­nect­ed fig­ures and police offi­cers are disconnected.

Commissioner Quallo, you must demand that the Prime Minister and his lack­eys as well as the PNP and its lack­eys step aside and allow the Police to do its work unobstructed.
Failing which Commissioner, you must Investigate the Politicians who as much as lift a fin­ger to obstruct, hin­der, or oth­er­wise ingra­ti­ate them­selves into the oper­a­tional pro­ce­dures of the police depart­ment regard­less of where they oper­ate from, be it Jamaica House or Flankers.

If the Prime Minister and his lack­eys or the PNP and it’s lack­eys refuse to stand aside while the police depart­ment does what it is man­dat­ed to do by virtue of the Jamaica Constabulary Force Act, ten­der your res­ig­na­tion and reveal through the media what they did to ham­per your work.
Do not allow any­one to use you as a scape­goat while they are absolved of respon­si­bil­i­ty for whats happening.

Initiate a push aimed at break­ing up the Gangs oper­at­ing in those spaces, it is impor­tant that you cre­ate an anti-gang task force sole­ly for the west­ern Parishes. This task-force must be relent­less, not just oper­at­ing dur­ing the day­light hours, but must be so relent­less and lethal that no one wants to be asso­ci­at­ed with a gang.
Yes, I said lethal, I specif­i­cal­ly used that term to annoy the bleed­ing heart frauds who pon­tif­i­cate about human rights as if the rights of killers super­sede those of their victims.

Commissioner Quallo, one of the best qual­i­ties of a good leader is that leader’s abil­i­ty to inspire, to moti­vate. The abil­i­ty to make some­thing out of noth­ing, to get sub­or­di­nates to go the extra mile.
Not because of the good­ness of the Organization or even the nobil­i­ty of the cause but because they want to work for that leader.
Your Agency is doing a tremen­dous dis­ser­vice to the young men and women who join, remem­ber that the agency is hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time attract­ing suit­able can­di­dates to fill exist­ing spots.
Additionally, over 500 offi­cers are leav­ing each year, try­ing to imprison them in order to keep them in is a waste of time, it is unconstitutional.
The atti­tude of your senior staff to the men and women under their com­mand is a huge part of the rea­son police offi­cers are flee­ing the department.
Being a leader does not make one a Lord, get that mes­sage to your com­man­ders and maybe, just maybe some of your prob­lems will be averted.


Improving intel­li­gence capacity

Enhancing inves­tiga­tive capabilities

Greater use of tech­nol­o­gy to assist with investigations

Reviewing and redefin­ing the divi­sion­al com­mand and staff structure

Increasing col­lab­o­ra­tion with local, region­al and inter­na­tion­al law enforce­ment author­i­ties, espe­cial­ly transna­tion­al and finan­cial crimes

Strengthening part­ner­ships with var­i­ous pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tor stakeholders

Boosting the morale of staff through increased train­ing and devel­op­ment for per­sons with­in St James division.

Enhancing com­mu­ni­ty col­lab­o­ra­tion with com­mu­ni­ty stake­hold­ers and groups