PNP Under Pressure From Thug Supporters, Lie About Human Rights

The fol­low­ing is the PNP’s press­er out­lin­ing the rea­sons it has decid­ed not to sup­port an exten­sion of the State of Limited Emergency.
I have had my say in this very medi­um as to what my per­son­al views are on this sub­ject.
Nevertheless, I was amused by Peter Bunting, the last fail­ure at National Security the PNP had while they were in office.
In a shame­less social-media, post-Bunting exclaimed.


Peter Bunting , No cred­i­bil­i­ty on crime. Once said crime demand­ed divine intervention

The PNP vot­ed for polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy as it has done on numer­ous oth­er occa­sions in the past.
Dead Jamaicans be damned.
Just a few years ago Peter Bunting was such a fail­ure he was call­ing for God to come down and stop the killings.

That he would have the temer­i­ty to come out talk­ing about PNP vot­ed for Rights and Constitution demon­strates that he and his par­ty fun­da­men­tal­ly take the Jamaican peo­ple for total illit­er­ates.
The great­est right an indi­vid­ual has is the right to life,.
The PNP does not care that well over 300 few­er Jamaicans died this year than last year.

If this con­tin­ues the PNP has noth­ing to bitch about so as a par­ty they tac­ti­cal­ly decid­ed to pull sup­port from the mea­sures which is demon­stra­bly sav­ing hun­dreds of lives this year alone.
A sup­port they were reluc­tant to give in the first place but could­n’t with­hold because of the optics and the poten­tial fall­out from not doing so.
The great­est dan­ger to the Jamaican nation is the illit­er­a­cy of its elec­torate which allows the PNP to con­tin­ue being relevant.


(1a) Is the fact that well over 300 few­er peo­ple have been mur­dered this year so far over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year important?(b) Why is a 21% drop in vio­lent crimes incon­se­quen­tial to the PNP, is the par­ty ben­e­fit­ting from crime, the nation needs to know the truth?

(2) Does any of the peo­ple talk­ing about rights and the con­sti­tu­tion have expe­ri­ence in law enforce­ment or crim­i­nol­o­gy?

(3) Do they under­stand that in lit­er­al­ly every coun­try in which the rule of law is sacro­sanct where some mod­icum of peace and tran­quil­i­ty exist, they have had to go through their own grow­ing pains which includ­ed the sus­pen­sion of some con­sti­tu­tion­al norms from time to time?

(4) How can Jamaicans who claim to be smart peo­ple, in par­tic­u­lar, those in the bour­geoise‘ who came out of the (intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to), be so dense, dog­mat­ic, and inher­ent­ly stu­pid?
The great­est right a per­son has is the sacred right to life. Jamaica is not a devel­oped coun­try so the pre­tense will get us nowhere.
The coun­try has a seri­ous prob­lem with vio­lent crimes.
Maybe we should all stand down and stop with the pol­i­tics.

No one agrees with lock­ing up peo­ple indef­i­nite­ly with­out charge, and the secu­ri­ty forces have to cor­rect that but to hear peo­ple make this non­sen­si­cal claim about human rights is astound­ing.
The only thing that mat­ters to them is the spir­it and text of the con­sti­tu­tion when it suits them to wrap them­selves in it and pre­tend to be guardians of the fort.

This archa­ic doc­u­ment which does not nec­es­sar­i­ly address the com­plex­i­ties of our time is a shack­le and is unre­spon­sive to present day needs.
The PNP has had don­key years to be rel­e­vant and do some­thing for the throngs of illit­er­ate peo­ple who con­tin­ue to vote for that cult.
If they cared so much about Constitutional rights why have the PNP with its many years in office, done noth­ing to move our coun­try to a Republican democ­ra­cy?

Instead what the par­ty has done is try to move the coun­try into the Caribbean Court of Justice where they would have the pow­er to call their cronies who grad­u­at­ed from the Mona or Cave Hill cam­pus­es of the University to do their bid­ding.
In the mean­time, Jamaicans are still pledg­ing their loy­al­ties to a for­eign sov­er­eign who could­n’t care a rats ass about them.

Even the American con­sti­tu­tion, the old­est instru­ment of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance has under­gone amend­ments.
If the PNP care about the rights of Jamaicans, the par­ty should throw its sup­port behind a new con­sti­tu­tion.
Do it now or shut up with the lies about Human Rights


The PNP must now own the vio­lence and loss of lives regard­less of any sup­posed meet­ings with the per­son stand­ing in as com­mis­sion­er of police, or pub­lic sec­tor groups.
The impor­tant voic­es in all of this are the aver­age every­day Jamaicans who are not crim­i­nals, the peo­ple who sim­ply want to live their lives in peace and with dig­ni­ty.

There should be no mis­con­cep­tion that the well over 300 few­er peo­ple who have died this year over the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year is attrib­ut­able to two sce­nar­ios.
(1)Displacement of crim­i­nals and (2) the very issue of deten­tion that the PNP so duplic­i­tous­ly hangs its hat on.
When locked up, the mur­der­ers can­not kill peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ties.
As for­mer Florida Democratic can­di­date for Governor Andrew Gillum said a (“hit hog will holler”), the People’s National Party has a large fol­low­ing of gang­land fig­ures who are feel­ing the pinch of the new secu­ri­ty mea­sures insti­tut­ed by the gov­ern­ment.

This cha­rade about human rights is noth­ing but a well-pack­aged appease­ment to that com­mu­ni­ty.
And so the PNP is more con­cerned about its gun­men than it is about the law-abid­ing Jamaican peo­ple who are able to live and breathe a lit­tle eas­i­er as a result of the SOE’s.
And did I men­tion that the peo­ple want it to remain?