There are not enough words to describe the pic­ture below. Your eyes are not deceiv­ing you. This was the swear­ing-in of Glendon Harris PNP coun­cil­lor ‚as Mayor of the sec­ond city of Montego Bay. This event is per­fect­ly rou­tine, one par­ty los­es the elec­tion the sit­ting Mayor makes way for the new may­or. Well that’s the way intel­li­gent peo­ple do things, unfor­tu­nate­ly not the low life thugs in the PNP, instead what they did is almost tan­ta­mount to trea­son.

Secretary Pamella Marsh enrobes incom­ing Mayor of Montego Bay Glendon Harris in front of the black and gold back­drop designed to depict the Jamaican flag. Outgoing Mayor Charles Sinclair looks on​.Read more: http://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​N​O​T​-​T​RUE — Decorator-denies-MoBay-mayor-s-claims-in-flag-controversy#ixzz1s23uZ7jl

They told the dec­o­ra­tor for the event to leave the col­or green from the Jamaican flag. For no oth­er rea­son than that the col­or green is the col­or the oppo­si­tion par­ty JLP uses. The new­ly installed Mayor then lied, stat­ing that the rea­son green was left out was that there was a short­age of mate­r­i­al to do the job prop­er­ly , he went on to fur­ther lie that the dec­o­ra­tor promised to return the $30,000 fee he was paid for the project.
The dec­o­ra­tor has since debunked those lies, and named the PNP oper­a­tive who told him to leave out the col­or green from our flag.
Anyone famil­iar with my blogs knows with­out a shad­ow of a doubt that I have scant regard for the polit­i­cal par­ties in Jamaica, and even less with those who are involved in those parties.
I have long argued that the PNP is the worst thing to ever have hap­pened to Jamaica, and in my view if not checked will be the ruina­tion of that Caribbean Island.
The degen­er­ate who autho­rized this kind of deface­ment of the Jamaican flag is not the excep­tion. The unfor­tu­nate truth is that is the rule in the PNP, a par­ty asso­ci­at­ed with thug­gery, vio­lence and the most base and unciv­i­lized behav­ior imag­in­able. There is thug­gery and unciv­i­lized behav­ior in both par­ties , but the bar was set by the peo­ple’s nation­al par­ty from as far back as inde­pen­dence. No one inci­dent or set of occur­rences tells the whole story.However one medi­um recent­ly relat­ed the sto­ry Pernell Charles told of the strate­gies employed, by Michael Manley and his min­ions in the fight to keep the National Workers Union a monop­oly union in so far as rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al rights goes in the baux­ite industry.
Jamaica’s Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller:
The esca­lat­ing crime num­bers in the coun­try are a result of an unwrit­ten “wink wink nod nod” that has char­ac­ter­ized the rela­tion­ship between the PNP and their sup­port­ers. You elect us we will hands off so you may hus­tle do what you want! It is a strat­e­gy that has had dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences for our coun­try and the mind­set going for­ward. It has kept the PNP in pow­er for most of the 50 years since inde­pen­dence, made some peo­ple who sup­port that par­ty extreme­ly rich and has cost the lives of thou­sands of others.
The PNP has always been about par­ty , with lit­tle thought of coun­try, their mis­sion is to stay in pow­er at all cost . This mind­set runs the gamut from the very pin­na­cle to those in the gut­ters. Thuggery and class­less behav­ior is and has always been the hall­mark of the PNP. Defacing the most rec­og­niz­able sym­bol of our nation is not and nev­er was beneath them !!!!
What a class­less uncouth dis­gust­ing lot of moron­ic punks.
The Gleaner not to be out­done, car­ried this car­toon in response to out­cry from civic groups and oth­er Jamaicans to include the polit­i­cal opposition.
Clearly this once pres­ti­gious paper, once the best in the Caribbean under the lead­er­ship of Oliver Clarke, is not con­tent to have cam­paigned for the thug­gery. They have now estab­lished that they are will­ing to help gov­ern the thug­gery . Gutter behav­ior that has no place in our coun­try is now sanc­tioned behav­ior by this paper.
Those in gov­ern­ment deface our flag as they destroy our coun­try, then we won­der why ath­letes drag our most cher­ished and rec­og­niz­able sym­bol in the dirt. They know no bet­ter, or at worse they are just drag­ging our flag in the dirt with a view to get­ting as low in the gut­ter as the gov­ern­ment of Jamaica.
Nothing is sacred in our coun­try any­more, one can hard­ly get any low­er than the gut­ter now, can they?