PNP Shamed Into Action: Or Are They .…

th (28)FINALLY.…. The People’s National Party has moved against Former Lucea Mayor Shernet Haughton. In an unprece­dent­ed move the Party’s National Executive Council (NEC) took the deci­sion to bar Haughton from rep­re­sent­ing the par­ty at the next local gov­ern­ment elections.
This comes after a Contractor General report which unearthed infor­ma­tion that as Mayor Haughton took the art of Nepotism to uncon­scionable lev­els when she award­ed more than $3.7 mil­lion worth of con­tracts to fam­i­ly mem­bers and close friends dur­ing her two years as mayor.

In essence the pub­lic purse became the pri­vate cook­ie-jar for Haughton. Contractor General Dirk Harrison sub­mit­ted his find­ings to the Director of Public Prosecution whose office decide that despite over­whelm­ing evi­dence of Nepotism there was no statute allow­ing her to be charged for Nepotism.
As I said yes­ter­day there needs to be seri­ous over­all of our Justice sys­tem in every quar­ter, includ­ing the Office of DPP.
It appears the only pub­lic body in Jamaica seri­ous about account­abil­i­ty and con­se­quences is the office of Contractor General. It is impor­tant to note that while oth­er pub­lic bod­ies like INDECOM have pow­ers of arrest and are rapa­cious­ly demand­ing more pow­er with lit­tle to show for it, the office of Contractor General has no pow­er of arrest. This is where seri­ous teeth is need­ed most, arrest­ing the creeps and clowns at the top.

Shernet Haughton
Shernet Haughton

The stew­ard­ship of pub­lic funds is crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant. For decades Jamaica has suf­fered at the hands of polit­i­cal lead­ers who suf­fer from Kleptomania.
The office of Contractor gen­er­al was cre­at­ed to give the pub­lic a faux sense of secu­ri­ty that the prac­tice of polit­i­cal thiev­ery through the con­tracts awards process was being addressed.

Despite the Act. There was mar­gin­al pow­ers giv­en the office. In essence the Act allows the Contractor General to make a lot of noise and not much more.
With a neutered and incom­pe­tent Police Force behold­en to the polit­i­cal direc­torate and scared shit-less of INDECOM, the inabil­i­ty of the Contractor General to bring charges against the likes of Haughton effec­tive­ly places Politicians out of the ambit and reach of the law.

Jamaicans still unborn are indebt­ed to for­eign insti­tu­tions. The coun­try spends almost one and a half times of GDP a large chunk of that pie goes to ser­vic­ing inter­ests on for­eign debts. Presently the coun­try and the admin­is­tra­tion is focused sim­ply on reach­ing tar­gets set by the International Monetary Fund. As Greece faces default and is will­ing to go to a ref­er­en­dum to decide the way for­ward Jamaica con­tin­ues to pussy-foot around with pub­lic funds much of which is bor­rowed mon­ey, despite being in a far more seri­ous predica­ment than Greece by some estimates.

How could one lit­tle woman in a clown suit have access and author­i­ty to spend pub­lic mon­ey with­out over­sight and account­abil­i­ty? How many Billions of Dollars have been siphoned away with noth­ing tan­gi­ble to show for it.
You decide…
The PNP decid­ed to let Haughton go yet has­ten to say she remains a Councillor for the Green Island Division of the Hanover Parish Council , despite the rec­om­men­da­tions of the Contractor General’s that she resign.
Where is the out­rage from the peo­ple liv­ing in the Green Island Division. Are they so taint­ed by polit­i­cal trib­al­ism that they would pre­fer to have an uneth­i­cal per­son rep­re­sent them in the Council, than demand she go?
Have the peo­ple con­sid­ered that the qual­i­ty of their lives are direct­ly relat­ed to their silence and acqui­es­cence to these unscrupu­lous if not crim­i­nal actions?