PNP Ramping Up 70’s Era Campaign Of Destabilization And Mobilization Of Dissent

We can hate pol­i­tics all we want but we need peo­ple to take care of the coun­tries in which we live and yes I know just how moron­ic they can be, but by virtue of what they do we are forced to live with them.
I guess what I am real­ly say­ing is that regard­less of what peo­ple do we are well.… peo­ple and so it real­ly makes lit­tle sense to broad­brush every­one when we per­cieve that they did some­thing wrong.
I say this to say that not all politi­cians are bad but some­times the actions of some makes it dif­fi­cult to not just hate all of their asses.

Take for instance that moron­ic Angella Brown-Burke Member of par­lia­ment for (St Andrew South West), the gar­ri­son com­mu­ni­ty once held by long­time par­lia­men­tar­i­an and PM Portia Simpson Miller.
In address­ing the Parliament this idi­ot­ic woman had the nerve to tell the house that she would take to the streets if the Government did not extend the ZOSO to her con­stituen­cy so that the killings can stop and peo­ple can have peace and security.
At the very same tine she is threat­en­ing that she will take to the streets with her sup­port­ers to demon­strate and poten­tial­ly upend the econ­o­my if a state of pub­lic emer­gency is called in her constituency.

The con­stituen­cy of St ndrew South West is not Angella Brown-Burke’s it is a tiny bit of Jamaica which ahs been juiced for all it’s worth by the PNP and Portia Simpson Miller for approx­i­mate­ly forty years and has been passed on for fur­ther exploita­tion by anoth­er abnox­ious vira­go to con­tin­ue the pat­tern of abuse under the guise of fem­i­nist love.

There is no log­i­cal argu­ment to be made after the entire career of Portia Simpson Miller was spent right there. During this time the nation wit­nessed her ris­ing from local gov­ern­ment to rep­re­sent­ing the con­stituen­cy at the nation­al lev­el, to Prime Minister, with the con­stituen­cy retain­ing the rat­ings as the worst in the country.

If these are the qual­i­ty of peo­ple that con­stituen­cy choses to rep­re­sent them (loud, abra­sive, abnox­ious, uncouth, crass,arrogant,) then maybe the peo­ple who live there deserve the lives they lead.

Peter Phillips oppo­si­tion leader

Now, there is noth­ing wrong with the state­ment, per-se, politi­cians vicif­er­ous­ly and pas­sion­ate­ly petion­ing for their con­stituents is admirable. What is prob­lem­at­ic is the mes­sen­ger, and the con­stituen­cy in ques­tion. As I said this Angella Brown Burke is now the mem­ber of par­lia­ment for the con­stituen­cy, If you know Portia and Brown Burke you can­not but feel sor­ry for the peo­ple in that constituency.

It’s tough to think that after almost forty years (40) of Portia Simpson Miller that they could not get some­one oth­er than anoth­er loud­mouth uncul­tured vira­go advo­cat­ing on their behalf.
Look, its trag­ic that peo­ple are dying on any lev­el but peo­ple have been dying across Jamaica for many years now. The nerve of Angella Brown-Burke to be mak­ing demands of this two year old gov­ern­ment under threats of civ­il unrest. It is ludi­crous, con­sid­er­ing that Portia Simpson Miller would­n’t even walk through the gar­risons with Andrew Holness at the time he had his first go around as prime Minister after Bruce Golding was forced to step aside.

Angela Brown-Burke

The sim­ple mind­ed Portia Simpson Miller at the time said there are no walls in her con­stituen­cy, allud­ing to the most sim­plis­tic under­stand­ing of what a gar­ri­son is.
Imagine the nerve of demand­ing peace and quite in her gar­ri­son con­stituen­cy when they are the ones who were in pow­er for so much more than the oth­er par­ty and they are the ones who have aways had con­trol of the costituency?
On what basis does she make demands now where is their sense of shame?

Arlene Harrison Henry

But between Peter Phillips the old tun back Rasta now parad­ing as polit­i­cal leader, Angella Brown Burke mak­ing threats, Dayton Campbell’s lies about the Cornwall region­al hos­pi­tal and of course the über moron Densise Daley who does­n’t want any­thing green in her con­stituen­cy it seem there is a seri­ous attempt to take Jamaica back to the old sytle pol­i­tics that Jamaicans have com­mend­ably walked away from.

Horace Levy

The strate­gies unfold­ing from the PNP and their affil­i­ates out­side the lead­er­ship of their par­ty can­not be ignored. Whether it’s Horace Levy the gri­zled old self serv­ing Manley advi­sor or its Arlene Harrison Henry anoth­er [kum­red] in the Public Defender’s office it is clear that there are enough of these holdovers with­in the pub­lic sec­tor which makes change extreme­ly difficult.

Denise Daley

Why on earth would Arlene Harrison-Henry, Peter Phillips and Horace Levy be call­ing for an end to the state of emer­gency in St James except to see mur­der sky­rock­et again so they can make polit­i­cal hay of it?
Logical que­tion, but this 70’s style cam­paign of desta­bi­liza­tion is text­book PNP old style com­mu­nist tac­tic. Why else would Mark Golding the mem­ber of par­lia­ment for the Arnett Gardens area dri­ve up to the Prime Minister’s res­i­dence under the guise of point­ing out dif­fer­ences in the acce­sories on the road­way if not to stir up rebel­lion of worse.

I mean the Prime Minister has to be dri­ven there each and every day in a coun­try which is extreme­ly vio­lent. Isn’t it time that the home of Mark Golding become the focus of nation­al atten­tion com­men­su­rate with what he has start­ed then?
I mean seri­ous­ly, what is the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for doing these things?

The peo­ple liv­ing in the St James com­mu­ni­ties love the fact that the secu­ri­ty forces are in their com­mu­ni­ties, so the call for it to end is about the PNP lust for blood and noth­ing else. Now I am sure that the JLP will be hap­py with me up to this point but I tell the truth regard­less of who is hurt or upset by it.
The JLP is pret­ty com­fort­able with these spe­cial inter­est peo­ple like Levy and oth­ers, in fact lob­by­ists have been inte­gral in some of the chal­lenges we are fac­ing with our crime prob­lem. INDECOM came about because Bruce Golding legit­imized Carolyn Gomes’ bull­shit and now the coun­try is stuck with INDECOM which does not take direc­tion from the gov­ern­ment, and is in fact act­ing as an inde­pen­dent gov­ern­ment but that is a dis­cus­sion for a dif­fer­ent time.